
Disconnect | Winner's Minute With Mac Hammond

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EscLeave edit mode
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Ctrl + HomePlay selected caption
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Alt + UpShift caption end time +0.1s

Annotation shortcuts

Ctrl + 1Hesitation
Ctrl + 2Speaker noise
Ctrl + 3Background noise
Ctrl + 4Unknown word
Ctrl + 5Wrong segment
Ctrl + 6Crosstalk segment
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When was the last time you truly disconnected? You turned off your cell phone or set it on silent.
Although this is something that you should do with regularity, it’s particularly beneficial to do so heading into the New Year.
Stop the incoming noise and listen to your heart. You see, if left unchecked, our minds will grow used to the constant commotion of technology.
Our ability to focus on one thing for an extended period will weaken if we don’t use it. So take a vacation from noise;
silence has the ability to refresh and refocus you on what you truly want to do in life. I’ll leave you with Mother Teresa’s words:
“God speaks in the silence of the heart.” I’m Mac Hammond, and this is the Winner’s Minute.