पहाड़ का ये फल किडनी के लिए होता है संजीवनी Kaafal/kafal in Healthy Kidney Diet | ASMR bayberry
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अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी Kafal is a revitalizing fruit belonging to the land of Gods, Uttrakhand. #ASMRbayberry contains a variety of qualities that are healthy for everyone. But, ASMR Vietnamese fruit bayberry is detrimental to kidney patients. There is a soulful story behind this tasty Kafal fruit. By including Myrica esculenta in your diet, you stay young and fit forever. Unfortunately, ASMR bayberry cannot become a part of a kidney patient diet but good for #healthykidneydiet. Watch the full video without skipping to know about the plus and minus points of eating Kafal. If you are taking dialysis and still be confronted with negative results, take Karma Ayurveda’s Ayurvedic kidney treatment and a healthy #diet plan. Let’s look at the benefits that you get by including ASMR bayberry in your diet. 1. It reduced the risk of diabetes. 2. It keeps your heart disease-free. 3. It prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys. 4. It sustains a healthy level of blood pressure. Let's look at some of the overall side effects of eating Kafal. 1. Stomach-related problems 2. Low level of blood sugar 3. Allergy On top of this, ASMR bayberry (Kafal) is not healthy for a kidney patient. It contains some nutrients that can increase the number of problems for kidney patients'.
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25. 2. 2021 09:54:55