Attachment Therapy: For Candace Newmaker
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After finding 'Attachment Therapy On Trail: The Torture and Death of Candace Newmaker' by Jean Mercer et al., I began to see that it was the intention of the therapists behind the therapy that caused the most damage. The idea of 're-birthing' can be beneficial, yet it was how they treated this little girl as the disdained enemy who needed to broken down before being built up again (to please her mother) that alarmed me. This is just an initial response to recent findings. All the while I wonder how many adoptees, who are now adults, have experience of being exposed to AT in the past? Candace's adoptive mother appeared to have unreasonable expectations for how she believed her daughter should behave. This reminds me of how often the child is emotionally tormented by a parental figure's conditional regard. It was shocking to discover that Candace had been medicated and diagnosed early on and that many adoptive parents turn to AT because they fear that their child has Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD).
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5. 10. 2017 00:46:05