3 Fruits for Kidney Patient | Fruit Diet for Kidney Failure Patients | किडनी ख़राब मे कौन से फल खाएं
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Fruit Good for Kidney | किडनी ख़राब होने पर कौन से फल और सब्जियां खाए | Diet Plan for Kidney Patient Check Out More Kidney Diet and Disease Videos Below : किडनी खराब होने के 5 संकेत, अनदेखा किया तो निकलवानी पड़ जाएगी | Symptoms of Kidney Failure Problems 6 सब्जियां जो गिराती है क्रिएटिनिन का स्तर 6 Vegetables for High Creatinine | Kidney Diet Food List How Much Creatinine Vs How Much Kidney Damage | Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis Healthy Drinks intake in Proteinuria | Protein in Urine Treatment | Protein Loss Description of the Video - Kidney disease creates a dangerous condition that affects you physically or psychologically. That is the reason why kidney patients need a treatment that will terminate the disease and its side-effects. Hello, and welcome to the YouTube channel Dr. Puneet Dhawan where you will gain knowledge about kidney diseases - its causes, symptoms, complications, preventions, diet plan, and treatment. In this video, you will see the 3 amazing fruits that are healthy for chronic kidney disease patients and the story of a kidney patient who took Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease. 3 amazing fruits for CKD patients are: 1. Blueberry or Neelbadri (ब्लूबेरी)- This fruit keeps your bones healthy by providing vitamin D, helpful in healing calcium-related problems, and strengthens the immune system. Blueberry fruit is beneficial for those who are struggling with heart and kidney diseases. 2. Red Grapes or लाल अंगूर - This fruit controls cholesterol levels in the blood that pressure the kidneys and the heart, controls diabetes and reduces the risk of cancer. 3. Pineapple or अनानास - This fruit is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and an enzyme called Bromelain (reduces inflammation in the body). This fruit is good for the digestive system and helps in the smoothing of digestion processes. It is also healthy for your kidneys because it helps in maintaining the right blood pressure and boosts your immune system. Watch the video to know more benefits about these 3 amazing fruits for CKD patients and to see the story of Mr. Anil Kumar Yadav. When Mr. Anil visited Karma Ayurveda, his creatinine level was 6.57mg/dL with dialysis. But after taking Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease, Mr. Anil’s creatinine level came down to 3.63mg/dL without dialysis. For your kidney disease, consult Karma Ayurveda! ● Call us and tell us about your disease: 011-4777-2777 ● WhatsApp your problems or even your medical reports: +91-9871712050 ● Email ID, you can mail your questions: ● Address, you can visit Karma Ayurveda - G-20, N.D.M.1, PLOT NUMBER B-2,3,4 OPPOSITE NIMS, NETAJI SUBHASH PLACE, PITAMPURA, DELHI- 110034 किडनी रोगी को क्या खाना चाहिए, किडनी रोग में क्या खाएं क्या ना खाएं, kidney patient food, fruits for kidney patient,fruits for kidney failure patients,which fruits can kidney patient eat, kidney healthy fruits, fruit for kidney health, kidney friendly fruits and vegetables, fruit good for kidney,fruit for kidney patient, diet chart for kidney patients,kidney fail,one kidney diet,fruits good for kidney patients,blueberries,black grapes, pineapple #fruits_for_kidney_patient #kidney_diet #diet_in_kidney_failure #kidneydiet
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19. 2. 2020 13:15:51