Mediumship training: what is mediumship development? New Orleans Medium Melinda Mae Miller
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What is mediumship development? Mediumship development is just a term we use to describe our path of growth as mediums.Schedule a reading or inquire about classes at Most working mediums start their development with a regular meditation routine that brings us insight into our abilities. Some of us, myself included, use meditation to work very closely with our spirit teams on our mediumship development. When we become serious about our development we generally start taking classes with more experienced mediums. Taking classes is just an extension of the development process. I was taught at Arthur findlay that a medium who stops taking classes or working in circle is a medium who stops developing. That’s why I seek out good classes every year from well respected mediums. Two of my favorite teachers in the US are John Holland and Janet Nohavec. My favorite british tutors are Tony Stockwell and Colin Bates. If you are a developing medium I strongly urge you to look for classes or one on one tutoring. One on one is usually called “Mentorship” in the mediums world. There are lots of good mediumship instructors in the US. I suggest people look for a good teacher and commit to a minimum 8 week course of one on one tutoring, which can be less expensive than the travel and fees involved in working with the top teachers. While you’re doing your initial development work you can be saving to travel to a class with a high-level medium. Most mentorship programs with high-level mediums are by invitation only. They know if you are ready for mentorship or not. don't be discouraged if you aren’t invited, if you continue progressing in your development you will be. I also encourage students to take classes with a lot of different mediums. If you only work with one medium you only know what that medium knows, and just like any other course of study, no one person knows everything.
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3. 1. 2018 06:49:56