स्वर्ग का फल खाये किडनी मजबूत बनाये | Anjeer ke fayde | karma Ayurveda review | kidney diet
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किडनी की बीमारी से सम्बंधित किसी भी जानकारी के लिए हमे सम्पर्क करे ,निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे एंड पेशेंट की Details भरे:- You might have eaten many fruits and dry fruits for your health. But have you ever eaten such fruit that has directly come from heaven? Hello and welcome to our channel, Kidney treatment without dialysis, where we give you significant information related to kidneys and kidney patient diet. Today in this video, we will tell you about Anjeer, or you can say Fig. In Bible, Anjeer has been described. Let's know how Fig is beneficial for kidneys. The first benefit of Anjeer is that it keeps our digestive system strong. It prevents constipation, and it helps to avoid piles and kidney disease. #Anjeer keeps diabetes level under control. It has a fibber that activates insulin and keeps sugar under control. Fig helps keep bones strong. It contains calcium and potassium in good amounts. Anjeer has flavonoids, phenol, and potassium reduces the chances of high blood pressure. So, these were the benefits of Anjeer. Now, the question arises can kidney patients eat Anjeer? So, the answer is No. So that's all for today. If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this. Karma Ayurveda gives you a completely natural treatment that does not have any bad effect on your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you are in any kidney problem and want a better solution, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda. More Videos at Kidney Disease Diet Playlist : Ayurvedic Treatment Playlist: Best Diet for Kidney Patients: Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 Website: Follow us on : Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest:
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9. 9. 2022 12:07:25