इस फल में है वो शक्ति जो बड़े से बड़े किडनी रोग कर देता है जड़ से खत्म Power of Fruit in Kidney Problem
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This cleaner is flying off grocer’s shelves In this video, we came up with #1 best fruit that helps kidney patients to conquer their disease. We are talking about black grapes. Yes, these bite-size grapes are not only healthy for your kidneys, but also great for your heart, lungs, liver, digestive system, and immunity. You may know that a kidney patient cannot eat a lot of things because of their ill and weak renal system. Red and black grapes are high in resveratrol, a type of flavonoid. It protects your heart and kidneys against diabetes and cognitive decline. These sweet fruits are kidney-friendly with a little amount of sodium and potassium. Yes, we know that in various videos, we have mentioned the side effects of consuming potassium and sodium when you have kidney disease. In a bunch of grapes, the level of potassium and sodium is low. So, a kidney patient can include red and black grapes in their diet chart that helps them to cope with the condition. But, keep one thing in your mind that every fruit is not potent enough to cause a dip in kidney disease levels. So, before adding or deleting anything from the diet chart of a kidney patient, consult a doctor. You can also approach Dr. Puneet Dhawan who is an Ayurvedic kidney specialist. Watch the video for full information about the benefits of including black grapes in the diet of a kidney patient. kidney treatment without dialysis dr puneet dhawan fruits for kidney patient #fruits_for_kidney diet chart for kidney patients diet chart for kidney disease kidney disease kidney disease diet fruits to avoid by kidney patients kidney diet karma ayurveda kidney treatment by puneet dhawan fruits good for kidney stone patients fruits good for kidney patients diet in kidney disease diet in kidney failure fruit for kidney health healthy fruit for kidney
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8. 12. 2020 08:06:54