Low Potassium Diet for Kidney Patients | Low पोटैशियम डाइट किडनी रोगी के लिए
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Low Potassium Diet For Kidney Patients किडनी की बीमारी से सम्बंधित किसी भी जानकारी के लिए हमे सम्पर्क करे ,निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे एंड पेशेंट की Details भरे:- Kidney patients’ diets cannot make a connection with nutrients like potassium. Why potassium when this nutrient is vital to control blood pressure? And, high blood pressure is one of the causative factors of kidney diseases. Then, why kidney patients’ dieticians do not include potassium-rich foods in their diet? Today we are trying to clear kidney patients; why do doctors deprive them of potassium-containing foods. In the case of kidney disease, kidneys become vulnerable to handle potassium, which commences taking accumulating in the blood. Also, the medications kidney patients eat increase the level of potassium in their bodies. In #kidneydisease, you can eat the following foods to control the amount of potassium. 1. Apple 2. Pear 3. Blueberry 4. Strawberry 5. Pineapple 6. Capsicum 7. Carrot 8. Cabbage 9. Cucumber 10. Onion 11. Ghee 12. Apple gourd 13. Green pumpkin 14. Zucchini Bear in mind that the consumption of cucumber is not allowed for all kidney patients because of the rich amount of water in it. Apart from this, egg white and fish can become that part of #kidney_patients_diet because it is also low in potassium. However, consult a kidney patients doctor before including anything in their diet. To control your high creatinine and get rid of kidney disease, contact us. Our kidney specialist Dr Puneet has healed more than one lakh fifty thousand kidney patients. Our treatment is 100% natural and healthy for you. #diet_for_kidney_patients More Videos at Kidney Disease Diet Playlist : Ayurvedic Treatment Playlist: Best Diet for Kidney Patients: Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 Website: Follow us on : Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest:
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27. 8. 2021 11:51:23