ये 5 फल खाओ पेशाब में प्रोटीन नहीं आएगा Protein Loss Patient Diet #shorts
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अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी कर्मा आयुर्वेदा का नया पता है : 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Rd, opposite Bhagwan Buddha, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 #Proteinloss is a problem that occurs due to kidney malfunction. Kidneys are the organs responsible for maintaining the level of protein in your body. When the kidney becomes sick or weak, it cannot hold protein to leak out with the urine. Today's kidney patient #shorts are about the 5 fruits for protein loss. Along with that, protein loss cure in Ayurveda. First, look at the fruits for kidney patients on this best kidney diet channel. Apple Papaya Pineapple Pear Blueberries Remember to take your doctor's or Dr. Puneet Dhawan's permission before adding anything to your #diet. It is for those who are suffering from protein loss or any other kidney disease treatment.
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17. 2. 2021 11:52:24