Low Potassium Potato Recipes for Kidney Patients | किडनी रोगी, आलू को इस तरह से बना कर खाएं
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low potassium foods for kidney patients | किडनी पेशेंट को क्या खाना चाहिए? | vegetable for kidney patient In this time, when we all are locked down in the house, what are we doing to keep our organs strong? Some of us may be doing detoxification, some have held the hands of yoga, or some are doing meditation, but what about kidney disease survivors? Kidney patients are not allowed to do detoxification because they are already weak physically. If we talk about yoga and meditation for kidney patients, then they do that to keep their body and mind free from toxins. The motive of our channel, Dr.Puneet Dhawan, is to keep people aware of kidney problems, diet for kidney patients, causes and symptoms of kidney disease, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease, ASMR videos, trending videos on kidneys, and precautions for kidney patients. Kidneys are responsible to keep our body, blood, and other organs clean. When the kidneys stop working or become ill, then many problems occur in our bodies. At that time, we must maintain a diet less in potassium, phosphorus, protein, sodium, sugar, and fat. If we talk about potassium, then it is vital for people with high blood pressure. But for kidney disease survivors, it only augments the number of problems. How many of us like to eat potatoes, which are known as life-savior. We never say no to those crispy potato chips, Aloo Ka Paratha, Aloo fries, Aloo-Tikki, or Potato curry. But do we know how much potassium is present in potatoes? 1. A normal potato carries 700-milligram potassium 2. A big peeled potato provide 920-milligram potassium 3. A big potato without peeled give 610-milligram potassium The high level of potassium in the body means damaged kidney, skin problems, numbness, breathlessness, chest pain, nausea, weakness, and irregular heartbeats. But, potatoes are the life savior for many people because they are cheap, easily available, and easy to make. So, kidney patients can eat potato but after the process of leaching. Along with that, for your kidney disease, you can take treatment in Ayurveda. Yes, in this video, we have shared the story of a kidney patient who took treatment in Ayurveda and got relieved from his disease. Watch the video till the end to know more about potassium diet for kidney patients, can kidney patients eat potato, what is the process of leaching, and the story of a kidney disease survivor. Must Watch our Most Popular Videos on Kidney Diet and Treatment किडनी खराब होने के 5 संकेत, अनदेखा किया तो निकलवानी पड़ जाएगी | Symptoms of Kidney Failure Problems कमर में होने वाले दर्द का कारण हो सकता है किडनी में खराबी | Kidney Pain or Back Pain Difference Healthy Drinks intake in Proteinuria | Protein in Urine Treatment | Protein Loss Fruits to Eat and Fruits to Avoid by Kidney Patients | Diet Chart for Kidney Disease 6 सब्जियां जो गिराती है क्रिएटिनिन का स्तर 6 Vegetables for High Creatinine | Kidney Diet Food List किडनी के मरीजों को किस तरह की दाल का सेवन करना चाहिए | Which Pulses are Good for Kidney Patients? यूरिन से प्रोटीन निकलने के क्या कारण होते हैं? | Proteinuria Treatment In Ayurveda #kidneytreatment #kidneyhealth #kidneydiet
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28. 3. 2020 12:28:32