
Out of the Black Royal Blood Lyrics

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how did it feel when it came alive and took you out of the black?it broke your skin and shook through every part of me every part of you you made a fool out of me and took the skin off my back so dont brethe when i talk cause you havnt been i got a gun for a mouth and a bullet with your name on it but a trigger for a heart beating blood from an empty pocket i never knew why and you didnt care when you closed every door and washed away no sin and i promised you like you promised me but the vows that we made we fucked them up for free you made a fool out of me and took the skin off my back running so dont breathe when i talk cause you havnt been spoken to i got a gun for a mouth and a bullet with your name on it but a trigger for a heart beating blood from an empty pocket you made a fool out of me and took the skin off my back running so dont breathe when i talk cause you havnt been spoken to i got a gun for a mouth and a bullet with your name on it but a trigger for a heart beating blood from an empty pocket and it tortures slow never lets you go deals a crooked hand