Variational Inference by Automatic Differentiation in TensorFlow Probability | Posterior of Normal
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We find a surrogate posterior by maximizing the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO). With a proposal distribution this can be solved by Automatic Differentiation and a gradient-based optimizer. Here are the notes: Variational Inference can be hard to understand as there are many difficult components involved at the same time. However, if we outsource the tedious parts like taking derivatives etc. it might become easier to understand what is actually going. This is what this video is about: We will use the Automatic Differentiation of TensorFlow (Probability) to fit a surrogate posterior by a gradient-based optimization (e.g. by using the ADAM optimizer). For this we have to define the directed graphical model and need to find a way to approximate the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO). All of it will be intuitively explained in the video but is easily abstracted by TensorFlow Probability's function called "". Any questions? I would be happy to answer them in the comment section :) If you enjoyed the video and want to support the channel, you can buy me a coffee here: Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:03 Example problem: Posterior Normal 01:27 Example problem: DGM 03:13 Example problem: Observed Data 03:44 Example problem: seek posterior 04:27 Example problem: True Posterior 06:08 Surrogate Posterior proposal 06:53 Variational Optimization to Vector Optimization 08:13 Plugging in the ELBO 09:02 Access to the log joint 10:00 Changing to minimization 10:28 ELBO based on scalars 10:58 Automatic Differentiation for obtaining gradients 12:25 Gradient-Based optimization 13:31 We know the true posterior 13:57 Approximating the ELBO by sampling 18:19 TFP: Creating a dataset 19:19 TFP: Parameters of True Posterior 21:58 TFP: Defining the log-joint 26:20 TFP: Creating the Surrogate Posterior 28:35 TFP: ELBO and Gradient Tape (Automatic Differentiation) 31:31 TFP: Performing Variational Inference 33:39 TFP: Comparing True and Surrogate Posterior 35:06 Outro
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22. 5. 2021 06:47:54