2018年期待《西游记》改编剧!《大潑猴 The Legends of Monkey King》| 主演:林峯,蒋梦婕,吴克群,赤西仁 (Jin Akanishi),程砚秋,王姿允
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林峯,蒋梦婕,吴克群,赤西仁 (Jin Akanishi),程砚秋,王姿允,岳跃利,迟帅 簡介: 太上老君為維持三界和平欲化解天劫,鴻蒙心魔趁機入侵,太上落敗。太上老君瀕危之際,從天外引入一個天道變數,留下與邪惡力量鴻蒙心魔抗爭的種子。天道石因變數而崩裂,鴻蒙心魔法力不再,為了恢復法力,鴻蒙心魔禍亂三界,三界始不太平。鴻蒙心魔查明,天道變數的化身正是花果山上一只石猴。因此,鴻蒙心魔為恢復法力誘殺猴子。同伴雀兒為保護猴子而死,猴子也因此踏上修行之路,拜入方寸山。在風鈴、楊嬋二女輔助之下,猴子迅速成長。鴻蒙心魔蒙騙忠正之心的天庭大將天蓬,促使他與猴子為敵。一次次的較量中,天蓬日漸發現猴子的重情重義與英雄氣概,也察覺到了鴻蒙心魔的真正目的。最終,猴子與天蓬聯手消滅邪惡力量鴻蒙心魔,使得三界重歸安和。 Synopsis: Taishang Laojun tries to keep peace among three realms, but defeated to Hong Meng the evil. At his critical moment, Laojun leaves special spirit to restrict the evil power of Hong Meng. To regain the power, Hong Meng interferes three realms and finds the spirit sojourns in a monkey. Monkey starts his practice after his life was saved by his accompaniment, and grows up rapidly. Hong Meng deceives General Tian Peng in the Heaven to challenge the monkey, but Tian Peng finds out the true character of the moneky and notices the objective of Hong Meng. Finally, the Money and Tian Peng join force to defeat Hong Meng and restore the peace among three realms.
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2. 10. 2017 14:37:32