शरीर में इन्सुलिन कम मतलब किडनी खराबी शुरू Kidney Patient #Shorts | Dr Puneet Dhawan
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अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी कर्मा आयुर्वेदा का नया पता है : 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Rd, opposite Bhagwan Buddha, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 Possible side effects of the high or low levels of #insulin hormone. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to keep the levels of blood sugar under control. But, too much or less of everything hosts many health anomalies. Today, in only one-minute kidney patients' #shorts, we tell you about insulin's effects on your kidneys. We all know that diabetes is one of the ground causes of kidney disease. Uncontrolled diabetes will lead to kidney failure. Too much or fewer insulin hormone levels cause low or high levels of blood sugar in the blood. On one side, where high blood sugar leads to kidney disease. On the other side, a low level of blood sugar causes hypocalcemia. So, try to keep the blood sugar levels under control. And, for your kidney disease, take Dr. Puneet Dhawan's Ayurvedic kidney treatment. Yes, the doctor curates a kidney patient's #diet plan according to the patient's medical reports. On the same side, he works to stop kidney dialysis without using any artificial medications. He uses medicines made up of natural ingredients and herbs. He never imports medicines from manufactures. So, you do not need to worry about the severe complications of medicines. That is it for today. Thank you for watching it. Stay tuned with us and watch more video to upgrade your knowledge and health.
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3. 2. 2021 11:53:30