How the USA Rules the World Through Economic and Military Dominance (Full Documentary)
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How the USA Rules the World Through Economic and Military Dominance (Full Documentary). This documentary will enlighten and entertain you. All of the documentaries here will change your brain and make you feel inspired and enriched. Topics include Maya, Rome, Greece, The New World, Egypt, World wars, combat, battles, military and combat technology, current affairs and events, important news, Social Studies, education, biographies, famous people and celerities, politicians, news and current events, Illuminati, Area 51, crime, mafia, serial killers, paranormal, supernatural, cults, government cover-ups, the law and legal matters, corruption, martial arts, sports figures, space, aliens, ufos, conspiracy theories, Annunaki, Nibiru, Nephilim, satanic rituals, religion, christianty, judaism, islam, strange phenomenon, origins of Mankind, Neanderthal, Cro Magnon, Inca, Aztec, Persia, Maya, Indus, Mesopotamia, monsters, mobsters, time travel, Third World Issues....There are so many more documentaries to enjoy, so please browse and subscribe. Documentaries bring viewers into new worlds and experiences through the presentation of factual information about real people, places, and events, generally -- but not always -- portrayed through the use of actual images and artifacts. But factuality alone does not define documentary films; it's what the filmmaker does with those factual elements, weaving them into an overall narrative that strives to be as compelling as it is truthful and is often greater than the sum of its parts. Documentary is one of three basic creative modes in film, the other two being narrative fiction and experimental avant-garde. Narrative fiction we know as the feature-length entertainment films we see in theaters on a Friday night or on our TV screens; they grow out of literary and theatrical traditions. Experimental or avant-garde films are usually shorts, shown in nontheatrical film societies or series on campuses and in museums; usually they are the work of individual filmmakers and grow out of the tradition of the visual arts. One approach to the theory, technique, and history of the documentary film might be to describe what the films generally called documentaries have in common, and the ways in which they differ from other types of film. Another possible approach would be to consider how documentary filmmakers define the kinds of films they make. Both approaches will be followed in this chapter.
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11. 10. 2020 12:06:17