How to Add HTML Compression /GZIP
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In this video, you’ll hear some of the following: " HTML compression will very well help improved the page load time of your Website. This is one easy way to reduce server cost and it's one of the easiest ways to optimize your site. HTML compression is a technique that we all know from archiving files and directories with archive compression programs like WinZip, WinRAR zip and others. What HTML compression does basically is it takes your HTML code looks for similar strings within it and replaces them with shorter strings resulting in less code and smaller file size. But this is not the same thing as minification. Minification is the process of eliminating all the spaces the line breaks empty lines indentation and so on within your code. But compression goes that one step further It searches for the similar strings and replaces them with shorter references resulting in much less code. Most common HTML compression methods are DEFLATE and GZIP. And honestly there is not a gigantic difference between them They both use the same compression method the same algorithms but GZIP also contains a checksum and a header footer so DEFLATE is technically faster. " Hear more by watching the full video! #htmlcompression #htaccessfile #seositecheckup
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18. 10. 2020 14:38:14