Why Remember Allah - Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
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Shaykh Faraz Rabbani leads a special session of SeekersGuidance Canada's Coffee and Connections discussion circle on why we remember Allah. In addition to discussing a variety of benefits, he explains that the main reason for our remembrance is Allah's remembering us when we remember Him. SeekersGuidance Canada ( strives to spread the light of Prophetic knowledge, guidance, and service globally and in our local communities. We offer classes and programs rooted in mainstream Islamic teachings, offered by qualified scholars, to revive hearts and minds, and benefit humanity—completely free. Our new centre in Mississauga is a professionally designed, beautiful learning space where all people are welcome, and will feel a deep sense of community and connection. It is our goal to establish a truly global Islamic seminary right here in Canada—a seminary that will facilitate the spread of general Islamic knowledge and guidance in our community; train future scholars, teachers, callers, and empowered activists; and educate and inspire committed believers who live, embody, and spread knowledge, guidance, and good in service of God’s creation.
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9. 5. 2021 01:55:24