Control Chart : Detailed History, All Concepts & Nelson rules used for special cause identification
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Hello Friends, In the efforts of explaining Lean Six Sigma concepts to a deeper level from a practical implementation point of view, I am going to explain “CONTROL CHART” in this video. It is a very important concept/tool and used everywhere in any kind of process to study how a process changes over time. This video consists of the following topics: • History of Control chart • What is a Control chart and it’s elements • Variation and it’s types • What actions we should take in case of COMMON and SPECIAL Cause variations • NELSON RULES to identify the presence of Special cause and • Which test you should select to identify the presence of Special cause and some other things in the 1st part of the video on CONTROL CHART. We are committed to “Delight our customers beyond their satisfaction and change their lives in a positive way”. As a part of it, we are providing the below services in Lean Six Sigma: • Yellow Belt Online Training with Certification • Green Belt Online Training with Certification • Black Belt Online Training with Certification • Detailed Minitab Training • Mentoring and Coaching in Execution of Lean Six Sigma You can access our website and can become part of this Practical Approach and the most Effective training by visiting the link- And finally, thank you for watching… #ControlChart #ControlChartWithExample #ControlChartInMinitab #QualityControlTools #QCTools #QCToolsWithExample #7QCTools #7QualityControlTools #QualityControlToolsWithExample #ControlChartConcept #InterpretationOfControlChart #TypesOfControlChart #SPC #StatisticalProcessControl #SpecialCause #CommonCause #ControlLimits #SpecificationLimits #IMRChart #XbarRChart #PChart #UChart #XbarSChart #LeanSixSigma #TestsforSpecialCause #NelsonRules
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19. 12. 2020 05:39:39