ज़िन्दगी भर किडनी खराब नहीं होगी इसे खाने से Swertia Chirata/चिरायता for Healthy Kidney #Diet
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अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी Chirata is an herb that is used for medicinal purposes. It contains a chemical with the power to reduce inflammation and possibly conquer malaria. If you have a fever, constipation, stomach-related problem, loss of hunger, intestinal worms, or skin disease, you can take Chirata. If you have any of these health problems and kidney disease, then #Chirata for kidney patients is detrimental. As we always told our viewers that a #kidneypatientsdiet is curated after gauging his disease exacerbation, kidney functioning, and body condition. Along with that, the diet of a patient taking Ayurvedic kidney treatment is a little different from the one on dialysis. In the following, we have mentioned some of the benefits of Chirata that are not for kidney patients. 1. Stabilize your blood sugar levels. 2. Prevent the risk of anemia. 3. Keep your blood pressure within a normal range. 4. It's vital for sound management of the immune system and digestive system. To know more about Chirata, its benefits, and, yes, side effects, watch the video. And yes, do not consume any herb or food without discussing it with your doctor, whether you are healthy or a patient. It is because not everything is beneficial for everyone. If you are a kidney patient or anyone in your family is suffering from kidney disease, consult us. Our kidney treatment in #Ayurveda is famous for its effects on the mind and body of a patient. Yes, we use natural herbs, yoga, diet plan, etc., to rejuvenate your ill kidney. Our treatment does not include dialysis and a kidney transplant. It is because we are aware of their side effects. You can reach us for your kidney disease treatment by sharing your contact or disease details in the comment section. Or you can visit our kidney care treatment center, Karma Ayurveda.
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26. 12. 2020 12:48:11