बथुआ खाओ किडनी को बड़ा फायदा करेगा bathua ke fayde
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अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी कर्मा आयुर्वेदा का नया पता है : 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Rd, opposite Bhagwan Buddha, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 When wheat is grown, many weeds often grow with it; farmers cut them to prevent difficulty for the wheat crop to grow well. But with wheat, a weed also grows, Bathua, Goosefoot. Bathua is a weed, which generally people do not consider the particular emphasis on "Ahara" (Diet) and "Anna" (food) as a medium to set mental and physical health. However, the best kidney diet channel always comes up with something that people generally deprive of using. Today's diet for healthy kidneys includes Bathua, Goosefoot. Bear in mind a diet with low creatinine does not include Bathua or anything foods not prescribed by the doctor. As we always say, call our kidney specialist Dr Puneet for Ayurvedic kidney treatment, diet in low creatinine or a healthy kidney diet. For an Ayurvedic action to heal your diseased kidney, share your contact details in the comment section or directly pay a visit to our centre, Karma Ayurveda. 1. Fiber in #bathua supports your digestive system in dealing with constipation. Plus, with Bathua, your digestive system heals itself and keeps your stomach healthy and free from problems like gas. 2. With an excerpt of Bathua, you can eliminate waste through your body by increasing your urine output. 3. Bathua wields to show stones the right path to eliminate from your body without causing trouble to your kidneys and urinary tract system. 4. On top of all these health benefits of Bathua, its power to fight off anaemia makes it vital for everyone. We hope you will not now include Bathua in your diet
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18. 8. 2021 13:48:43