किडनी में सुधार के लिए खाएं ये 5 हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियां | kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye | ayurveda
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किडनी की बीमारी से सम्बंधित किसी भी जानकारी के लिए हमे सम्पर्क करे ,निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करे एंड पेशेंट की Details भरे:- किडनी में सुधार के लिए खाएं ये 5 हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियां | kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye In this video we will tell you about best green leafy vegetables for kidney patients You may have heard a lot from people about the benefits of green leafy vegetables. But Green leafy vegetables for Kidney diseases are beneficial too? The video is dedicated to kidney patients. So, before you start watching, subscribe to our channel - Kidney treatment without dialysis. Green leafy vegetables are undoubtedly good for our health since they are loaded with Vitamins, Minerals and Proteins. It keeps our weight in control and safeguards us from various diseases. In this video, we will discuss green leafy vegetables. It is a rich iron source that prevents diseases like Anaemia. Also, it helps to fight diseases like cancer and kidney stone. Green vegetables contain high fibre, iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Additionally, green vegetables are low in carbohydrates, sodium, and cholesterol. Also, it has a folate amount of B vitamin. These nutritional factors reduce the chances of obesity, heart problems, mental ailments, and high blood pressure and promote skin health. People with Kidney disease can include green leafy vegetables in their diet because green vegetable consumption controls sugar and blood pressure. So, green leafy vegetables for kidney disease are good for health. Stay connected till the end of the video to procure in-depth information. Til then, keep watching Kidney treatment without dialysis. Stay Informed, Stay updated!! #karmaayurveda #drpuneetkidneyspecialist #kidneydiet More Videos at Kidney Disease Diet Playlist : Ayurvedic Treatment Playlist: Best Diet for Kidney Patients: Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 Website: Follow us on : Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest:
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4. 4. 2023 12:59:15