Restaurant Management System - Project of Data structure and Algorithms in C language
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SourceCode : SourceCode with Explanation : This is very basic level project of some concepts like LinkedList in Data structure and Algorithms(DSA). Brief idea about code : A console based program of restaurant management system. Implementation of this program is done using linked list data structure. It has two modules: 1. Admin 2. Customer According to the the choice of user, its respective functionalities will be unlocked. Functionalities are listed below: (Following is the rough structure of program. Further additions and subtractions of functions may take place according to requirements of program .) 1. Admin panel: -Total sale of the day -Add items to the list -Delete items from the list -Display list of all items 2. Customer: -Display item list -Place an order -View whole order -Edit order -Final bill We are studying in Computer Science and engineering in Nirma University, as a part of assignment, we choose this topic as our project. Created by: 1. 19BCE237 Sakshi Sanghavi 2. 19BCE238 Harshil Sanghvi 3. 19BCE245 Aayush Shah Timecodes : 0:00 - Intro 0:15 - Topic and Applications 6:18 - Source code 17:55 - Execution
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19. 5. 2021 19:30:20