क्या जैतून का तेल किडनी रोगी के लिए सही है ? Olive Oil for Kidney Patients with Kidney Disease
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Did you know that olive oil was first found in Asian 3000 years back? Or did you know that olive oil is a kidney and heart-friendly oil? #Oliveoil is considered to be the best replacement for other types of oils if you want to keep your body healthy and maintained. It was extensively used for the processes of healing the wounds. Thank Mediterranean people who recognized the worth of the olive plant. Olive oil is abstracted from the olive plant is used in the preparation of foods other than medical purposes. In a recent search, it has been observed that people who were using olive oil ever since are far, far away from cardiovascular and kidney diseases. If we specifically talk about kidneys, during #kidneydiseases, it is recommended that the patient should reduce the consumption of phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Olive oil is sodium and phosphorus-free. It is rich in monounsaturated fat and helps in regulating blood cholesterol levels. It is believed that consuming extra virgin oil is the most beneficial and healthy oil among all the oils. It is widely available in India and overseas. In the video above, we have discussed numerous benefits that olive oil provides a diseased patient and can do wonders if consumed on the advisory of a dietician in appropriate amounts. In this video, we have also shared the experience of a patient who was suffering from kidney diseases and how he got relieved from them with Ayurvedic treatment provided by Dr. Puneet Dhawan. Watch the video, and you can discuss your views upon the consumption of olive or any #kidneydisease in the comment section below. You can connect with us by following the details mentioned below: Book an Appointment: Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 Website: oil for kidney diet food, essential oil kidney infection, essential oil kidney stones, kidney essential oils, essential oil kidney failure, olive oil kidney disease, kidney video, kidney video 2020, kidney health, किडनी रोगी का तेल, जैतून का तेल, जैतून का तेल किडनी रोगी के लिए, जैतून का तेल किडनी मरीजो के लिए
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26. 12. 2019 06:39:15