किडनी रोगी फूलगोभी खा सकते है या नहीं | Cauliflower for Kidney | Vegetables for Kidney Patients
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Title - Cauliflower for kidney patients! Cauliflower/गोभी is a vegetable and its head is commonly eaten as food or in the form of medicine. It is an antioxidant that increases the output of urine and prevents problems like anemia, menopause, scurvy, and weight loss, bladder cancer, breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, lung cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, osteoporosis, and prostate cancer. But, if you think to include cauliflower in the diet of a kidney patient, then stop. Cauliflower/गोभी is not considered healthy for those whose kidneys are ill or failed. Cauliflower is a type of those vegetables that chemicals to help the body get rid of components from food or the environment. That is why this vegetable is beneficial for a person who is suffering from any cancer. Kidneys are the organs that cleanse your blood and eliminate waste from your body. Furthermore, they also produce hormones that are crucial for the production of red blood cells. But, when the kidneys become ill, then the minerals or nutrients like protein, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, fat, creatine, and sugar can harm your ill kidney. Cauliflower is high in potassium and phosphorus, which is why it is not considered healthy for kidney disease survivors. For the complete information about cauliflower for kidney patients, watch the video till the end. And, do not forget to subscribe to the channel to get all the latest updates. On the other hand, for your kidney disease, you can contact us. Here Ayurvedachrya works to terminate the disease from its roots and rejuvenate the damaged organ. But, for now, stay in your home and help to stop coronavirus disease. For kidney disease, consult us! Website : Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 Must Watch our Most Popular Videos on Kidney Diet and Treatment किडनी खराब होने के 5 संकेत, अनदेखा किया तो निकलवानी पड़ जाएगी | Symptoms of Kidney Failure Problems कमर में होने वाले दर्द का कारण हो सकता है किडनी में खराबी | Kidney Pain or Back Pain Difference Healthy Drinks intake in Proteinuria | Protein in Urine Treatment | Protein Loss Fruits to Eat and Fruits to Avoid by Kidney Patients | Diet Chart for Kidney Disease 6 सब्जियां जो गिराती है क्रिएटिनिन का स्तर 6 Vegetables for High Creatinine | Kidney Diet Food List किडनी के मरीजों को किस तरह की दाल का सेवन करना चाहिए | Which Pulses are Good for Kidney Patients? यूरिन से प्रोटीन निकलने के क्या कारण होते हैं? | Proteinuria Treatment In Ayurveda #cauliflower #kidneytreatment #kidneydiet cauliflower for kidney patients,diet chart for kidney patients,foods to avoid with kidney disease and diabetes,kidney disease diet foods to avoid,foods bad for kidneys,foods bad for kidneys and liver,chronic kidney disease diet food list,kidney failure,kidney food,vegetables bad for kidney,kidney diet food,kidney food to avoid,किडनी रोगी को क्या खाना चाहिए,फूलगोभी,high creatinine diet,vegetables for high creatinine level
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14. 4. 2020 15:01:56