All-Star Batman and Robin #3-4 - Atop the fourth Wall
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Welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. In this episode, Linkara looks at two issues of Frank Miller's last disastrous effort to work with Batman. Originally uploaded April 4th, 2011. ORIGINAL INFO: So basically by Frank Miller’s own admission here Batman is a rude, murderous child abductor who cares what twelve year-olds think about his toys and eats rats when not mourning the loss of the bloody, incestuous affair he had with his mother. RUMINATIONS: Ah, the return of Ass-bar. There’s still discussion going on for the review of the first two issues. Mind you, given the reputation of youtube comments sections and the various insults and negativity thrown around, I’m not exactly inclined to engage and study it. As such, I am content to simply think more about this crapfest of a comic. Even if for some reason you actually ENJOY this version of Batman, be you some brute who thinks his violence and jackassery is somehow admirable or someone who just enjoys how idiotic the story and its main character is, there’s no denying the fundamental writing problems of this series. These two issues especially exemplify that, issue 3 more than 4. The main problem is that Frank Miller at some point decided that it wasn’t enough for it to be a distilled vision of Batman to his purest form, oh no no no. This comic had to be as many superfluous characters of the DC Universe reimagined for this despite them not actually contributing anything to the story. It’s unlikely this series will ever actually see completion. Aside from their last announcement for anything relating to it being years ago now, DC seems to be distancing themselves from Frank Miller in recent times plus Jim Lee, in a more executive position in the company, probably isn’t spending that much time drawing as much. And while it’s always a shame to not have more Jim Lee art, I think I’m willing to let it happen in order to make less Frank Miller happen.
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1. 7. 2020 09:11:51