What does Professor Sir Muir Gray think of Move it or Lose it?
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Please Like, Comment and Subscribe. Thank you. Professor Sir Muir Gray CBE, FRCPSGlas, FCLIP is an Honorary Clinical Researcher and has worked for the NHS since 1972. Among many other highly esteemed positions, he founded the National Library for Health and was the first person to hold the post of Chief Knowledge Officer of the NHS (England). He is internationally renowned for his expertise and passion for improving health and well-being. Move it or Lose it would like to thank him for his kind words. Move It or Lose It! was founded in 2010 by award-winning fitness expert, Julie Robinson, who has dedicated her career to motivating thousands of people to keep active so they can enjoy healthier, happier lives. Through their specialist instructor training programme they now have a national network of fun-filled classes spreading across the UK along with a range of exercise DVDs and resistance bands to keep everyone moving whatever their age or ability. For more information, check out our website: To purchase any of our DVDs: Find a class near you:
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24. 2. 2021 16:49:06