The Power of Curiosity: Hitomi Kumasaka at TEDxKyoto 2012
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After 19 years of being a housewife, Social Media Consultant and Author Hitomi Kumasaka found the career of her dreams. She shares the story of her triumphs and failures as she pursues the work she truly loves. Hitomi Kumasaka Entrepreneur & social media evangelist "Social Networking" is the term of our times. Whether we communicate through email, Facebook or Twitter, the computer has become the means with which we build relationships, cement deals and sustain connections. Kumasaka Hitomi has become what many would call a "social networking guru". But she didn't start out as such. Her career path began at the age of 42, when she was working part-time at a real-estate agency. She moved on to a sales job, to interview writing and then to consulting. It was during her time as an interview writer that she realized that most of the time, there was a gap in the communication between the seller and the buyer. Specifically, she noted that the buyer often did not clearly understand the feelings and motivations of the seller in a business transaction. Kumasaka turned to social media as a possible way to facilitate buyer/seller communication. After extensive research, she began putting her methods into practice. She now travels regularly to the U.S. to acquire information on the latest social marketing trends, and uses her gleanings to do consulting and give lectures. Her book on using social media for business has become a bestseller not only in Japan, but also in Korea and Taiwan. Kumasaka's inspiration that not only person-to-person communication, but also person-to-corporation communication is possible is paving the way for a whole new level of social networking. Streamlined business communication is now possible, and we have social media and Kumasaka Hitomi to thank for it. 熊坂 仁美 起業家&ソーシャルメディアエバンジェリスト ソーシャルメディア界で、いまやその名を知らない人はいないといわれる熊坂仁美さん。しかし、知られざる彼女の社会人デビューは、なんと42才のとき。時給1000円の不動産会社でのアルバイトからでした。その後、営業職、インタビューライターを経てコンサルタントに転身。異色のキャリアを持つ女性としてNHK『グラン・ジュテ』に取り上げられ、マスメディアにも多数登場する、ソーシャルメディアのエバンジェリスト(伝道者)です。「売り手の想いが買い手に伝わっていない」ことに気付いたのは、年間数百人の購入者の話を聞く仕事に携わったインタビューライター時代。程なくしてフェイスブックに出会い、人と人だけでなく、人と企業が簡単につながって会話ができる新しい世界に強い興味を持ち、ソーシャルメディアの研究と実践を開始しました。現在も定期的に渡米し、最新のソーシャルメディアマーケティングの情報を取り入れ、講演活動や企業へのコンサルティングに活かしています。また彼女の著書はベストセラーとなり、韓国、台湾でも発売されています。 About TEDx In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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20. 11. 2016 13:31:20