Parents Outraged Over Holiday Toy Fails
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Parents Outraged Over Holiday Toy FailsParents Outraged Over Holiday Toy Fails Parents Outraged Over Holiday Toy Fails Parents Outraged Over Holiday Toy Fails The "Hatchimal" was one of the hottest holiday toys this season, but some were disappointed when the toy doesn't live up to its hype. some parents are furious over defective hatchimals. ABC's Becky Worley is on the case from San Francisco. Ble Becky, what's happening? You know, you have a toddler. When presents don't work on the big holiday days, oh, boy, that equals big, big drama. Christmas presents that work straight out of the box. Yahtzee. Reporter: Maybe that's a thing of the past. This year's presents are bl bluetooth enabled, wi-fi connected and seriously technical. Which can potentially lead to fails. Some parents complaining about the hottest toy this holiday season. I wanted this! Reporter: That hatchimal joy quickly turning to heartbreak for them with children allegedly waiting hours for their electronic eggs to hatch. Come on. Reporter: Many complaining they never did. Trying to make it hatch. What's happening? Nothing. Reporter: The toy lighting up the internet with complaints, hundreds of parents taking to social media using the #hatchmalls fail. The more high tech a toy will be, the more likelihood it could go wrong and the hatchimal is probably the first toy to show those problems. Reporter: Brittany baker's 4-year-old opened the box Christmas morning. I want it to hatch. Reporter: But she found it wouldn't hatch. She said that she was being patient because I had told her, it just takes a little while for something to hatch and it's just been upsetting for her. Reporter: Some parents disappointed saying the toy makes what sounds like cursing noises. But spin master the company that makes it saying last night, hatchimals communicate by speaking their own unique language which is made up of random sounds and by making other noises. We can assure consumers that hatchimals do not curse or use foul language. Hatchimals need a lot of love and care to hatch. Reporter: Listed for as much as $25,000 getting one under the tree required drastic measures. We camped out all night through the snow. Reporter: But now some of those coveted Christmas gifts considered duds. Spin master saying it is 100% committed to bringing the magic of hatchimals to all our consumers. Their website says if you believe your item is defective, contact them directly, guys. Sad. Very sad but thank you for setting the record straight they do inspeed hatchimalese, maybe that's the language they speak. I can't believe -- this is like insult to injury. It doesn't work and it cusses at your child. That wasn't cussing. Allegedly. A special language. Like any of us haven't done that. This wasn't the only example of defective toys. As a consumer what options do we have if we find ourselves in this situation? Paula, remember the three Rs. Ask for a full refund, first from the retailer then the manufacturer. You can also ask for a replacement. They should pay for your shipping costs. Worst case, you can try to get the item repaired. That is tough though when we are tea talking about finding someone with repairs on a hatching owlicorn or pengala. When nothing works he's excited you to open a pack of battery, he doesn't care. More excited with the actual packageing. One more year of blissful ignorance.
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1. 1. 2017 23:02:56