Kidney Treatment in Telibagh, Lucknow | High Creatinine Treatment In Ayurveda | Stop Renal Dialysis
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किडनी मरीजों को राहत, कर्मा अयूर्वेदा में ही बचाया जा सकता है गुर्दे को Mr. Tarun Mishra from Telibagh, near PGI, #Lucknow was suffering from kidney diseases. He was already getting treatment for kidney disease but when got to know about ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease in Lucknow. He contacts Dr. Puneet Dhawan, who provides an #Ayurveda treatment for kidney-related diseases. After taking the treatment from Dr. Puneet Dhawan, the patient is no longer facing the complexities associated with the #kidneydisease such as weakness, poor appetite, swelling in the feet, ankles, face, stomach, or back, breathlessness, and trouble in sleeping. That time his creatinine was 4.04 which now reduced to 3.0. Mr. Tarun Mishra is also a diabetic patient, and before ayurvedic treatment, he was on insulin doses. He said “In one week, I got relieved from the complications of #kidney disease, and I didn’t take insulin as my body didn’t need it. When I start taking ayurvedic treatment from Dr. Puneet Dhawan at Karma Ayurveda, I was not sure about the treatment, but got quite a surprise after seeing the results.” Dr. Puneet Dhawan is one of the #best_nephrologists who provide permanent solution for kidney-related illnesses with utilizing ayurvedic medication, healthy diet plan, and beneficial yoga stances. According to him, everyone who is taking insulin should stay far from it. Because it is far more dangerous than diabetes, it suddenly reduces the level of sugar in your body which creates pressure on your kidneys. In Karma Ayurveda, there are so many #kidneypatients come who are taking insulin to control their high blood sugar level, but in the end, got the dangerous kidney diseases. If you are a diabetic patient, then contact us instead of taking any kind of allopathic treatment which may increase the risk of #kidneyfailure. On the other side, the consumption of ayurvedic medication is not only benefits your kidneys but also helps you to live a disease-free life. If you and anyone in your family have been struggling with diabetes, and any sort of kidney diseases, then contact Doctor Puneet Dhawan at Karma Ayurveda and stay healthy forever. Other kidney Patients Testimonial Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Disease - Stop kidney dialysis - KIDNEY FAILURE TREATMENT झूठा है डाइलिसिस का इलाज, जानिए क्या है इसके पीछे का सच | Dialysis Treatment is not a Cure How to Reduce Protein in Urine through Ayurvedic Treatment | यूरिन में प्रोटीन आना, आयुर्वेदिक इलाज Kidney Treatment in India | हिंदुस्तान में किडनी फेलियर का इलाज | #STOP_KIDNEY_DIALYSIS मात्र 11 दिन में लाये बड़े क्रिएटिनिन को नार्मल रेंज में Kidney Creatinine Treatment without Dialysis Kidney Failure Treatment without Dialysis | Kidney Treatment without Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda | CKD Treatment Hindi Truth behind Dialysis & Kidney Transplant - Chronic Kidney Disease #karmakakarishma Kidney treatment by Puneet Dhawan best kidney hospital in lucknow kidney care clinic lucknow nephrologist in Telibagh lucknow dr Puneet Dhawan nephrologist lucknow kidney specialist kidney cyst treatment in lucknow ayurvedic kidney center in lucknow Book an Appointment Helpline Number : 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us : +91-9871712050
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27. 4. 2019 08:32:15