नीम का सेवन कीजिये कभी किडनी रोग नहीं होगा Make Kidney Healthy By Neem Seeds
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Welcome to our channel, Stop Kidney Dialysis where you get all the information related to kidney disease. In today's video, we are going to talk about the benefits of neem seeds for kidneys and ayurvedic kidney treatment. We all have heard about neem in our life, it is a powerful herb used for ages. But do you know its seeds are equally beneficial and you can treat kidney naturally by neem seeds? Watch out our video and know one-and-all neem benefits. According to #Ayurveda, neem seeds are one of the powerful herbs used since ancient times. Its use keeps the disease at bay and provides strength to your internal body. One of the beneficial aspects of consuming neem seeds is its use in the treatment of kidney disease. It is said that if you treat the root cause of any disease, you can get rid of that particular condition permanently and so is the case of kidney disease. When you treat the cause, you can eventually purge kidney problems without even ant reliance on dialysis. Here are some of the benefits of neem seeds: First, neem seeds keep your kidneys healthy. The consumption of neem seeds helps detox your kidneys and prevent the risk of impaired #kidney function. You can consume tea made with the seeds themselves. But if you are already a kidney patient, consume it only after advice from your doctor. Anti-oxidants and antiseptic properties of neem seeds kill the free radicals that damage the healthy cells of the body. This way, it boosts your immune system and helps the body fight against various types of infections. The third benefit of neem seeds is that they help fight infection within your kidneys, whether it is a skin infection or any type of bacterial growth that leads to infection. It also treats conditions related to urine infection by killing the bacteria. #Neemseeds help manage blood pressure levels, one of the major causative factors related to kidney disease. High blood pressure mainly occurs when impurities buildup in the blood and makes it hard for the blood to flow. When such blood reaches the heart, it creates massive problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease. To learn more about the benefits of neem seeds, watch the video till the end. अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी
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3. 9. 2020 13:57:25