ये 5 चाय पीने से किडनी साफ़ रहती है healthy kidney diet | kidney detox tea
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अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी कर्मा आयुर्वेदा का नया पता है : 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Rd, opposite Bhagwan Buddha, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 How fast your bike or car will run, how many days it will last depends on its maintenance. In the same way, if you take care of your body properly then your body will always be fit You can understand the matter in this way, if you do not take care of your stomach then you will start having problems related to the stomach. People always complain that they have problems related to urine, kidney stones, kidney swelling, kidney filters have started getting damaged, kidney failure, but have you ever wondered why this happened to you? Because you didn't take proper care of your kidney. Now some people complain that our blood pressure was under control, there was no problem with diabetes, we did not even drink alcohol, yet how did my kidney get damaged. The reason for this is kidney cleansing. Yes, because you did not clean your kidney from time to time. #kidneydetox is very important. So let's know 5 ways to detox the kidney. So the first drink is tea or decoction made from corn fibers. On consuming this decoration your kidney starts working better than before and you get relief from problems like kidney stones, urine infection, high blood pressure, diabetes. The second drink is horsetail. If you take it, first of all, your kidney will start to DETOX and at the same time, you also get rid of many problems related to the kidney. There is no urine infection, there is no kidney stone and bladder stone. Let us now know about the third drink and that is Brahmi. You stop having problems related to urination, blood pressure starts coming in control, stress goes away. Not only this, sugar level remains in control, there is no problem of uric acid, blood lipid level improves. Let us now know about the fourth drink and that is Java Tea. Java Tea is such a herbal tea that not only detoxifies the kidney but also gives many other benefits to the kidney. It reduces the uric acid level. It also provides relief in kidney stones, diabetes, high blood pressure, urine-related problem, urine bladder disorder, gout, asthma, inflammation, and liver-related problems. All you need to detox your kidney with java tea. You have to drink it two to three times a week. Now it is the turn of Bearberry, which is our fifth drink. Bearberry is called Uva Ursi in Hindi. It is used to remove the problem of infection. Inflammation in the bladder and urinary tract is also removed. So these were the five special drinks that keep our kidneys fit and clean from the inside. You were with us in our youtube’s best kidney diet channel “STOP KIDNEY DIALYSIS” where we give you significant information related to kidney and healthy kidney #diet If any of your loved ones are suffering from kidney disease then contact karma Ayurveda for ayurvedic kidney treatment. Hope you like this video, please don’t forget to share this video.
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8. 12. 2021 10:38:50