किडनी में सूजन के लक्षण | किडनी में सूजन होने पर शरीर देता है ये संकेत | Swelling in Kidney
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Welcome to no 1 YouTube channel, kidney treatment in Ayurveda, which is famous for its kidney's health content. #kidneyspecialistdrpuneet Today, we are taking care of your kidneys by sharing the prevalent signs of swelling in kidney #kineysujankelakshan. Let’s begin with the tough signs of swelling in kidneys #swellinginkidney 1. Constant fever 2. Changes in urinary tract system 3. Frequent or sometimes often urination 4. Weakness and tiredness 5. Breathlessness 6. Prone to health problems like cold and cough 7. Pass foamy or bubbly urine 8. Pain or burning sensation while peeing 9. Blood in the urine In the starting stage of kidney swelling, you feel the following signs in your body. 1. No interest in food due to less hunger. 2. Feeling nauseous after eating anything, and sometimes vomiting. 3. Unbearable pain in the stomach and back. 4. Swelling in the lower stomach. 5. Kidney swelling Suppose you have any of these signs of swelling in kidney #kidneysujankelakshan, contact us. We give kidney treatment in Ayurveda to kidney patients. किडनी सूजन के लक्षण किडनी सूजन का इलाज kidney me sujan किडनी में सूजन के संकेत kidney swelling in hindi kidney swelling reason in hindi kidney swelling symptoms in hindi kidney swelling treatment in hindi kidney swelling treatment kidney swelling kidney swelling symptoms leg swelling in kidney disease swelling in legs due to kidney problem kidney problem किडनी सूजन का इलाज,किडनी की सूजन कम करने के उपाय kidney kharab hone ke lakshan किडनी में सूजन , kidney problem kidney disease swelling in body due to kidney problem kidney treatment in ayurveda 🟦 Other Videos You Might Enjoy: ये 10 बुरी आदतें करती है किडनी खराब - पेशाब मे झाग, किडनी खराब का संकेत - किडनी रोगी के लिए ये चाय है फायदेमंद - किडनी खराब का सबसे बड़ा संकेत - रहोगे 100 साल तक ज़िंदा अगर सीख लिया पानी पीने का सही तरीका - 🌐FOLLOW US ▪ Instagram 👉 ▪ Twitter 👉 ▪ Reddit 👉 ▪ Pinterest 👉 To know anything about kidney and kidney-related diseases, you can call us on our helpline numbers: 011-4777-2777. Suppose you are experiencing a kidney disease or problem, need a kidney specialist consultation, fill this google form and connect with us. A kidney specialist, and Ayurvedic practitioner, Dr. Puneet, will treat your ill kidney with 100% natural and pure medicines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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9. 8. 2021 12:54:14