
Anybody Can Learn - 60 sec teaser

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Annotation shortcuts

Ctrl + 1Hesitation
Ctrl + 2Speaker noise
Ctrl + 3Background noise
Ctrl + 4Unknown word
Ctrl + 5Wrong segment
Ctrl + 6Crosstalk segment
You are in the read-only mode. Close
00:00:04.000 --> 00:00:05.000
Here we are 2013.

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We all depend on technology to communicate, to bank,

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and none of us know how to read and write code!

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The firts program I wrte asked things like

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"What your favorite color?" or "How old are you?

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I wrote a program to play tic-tac-toe.

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I first learned how to make a green circle in a red square appear on the screen.

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Your're just trying to make something trying to make something, trying to transfer something from your mind

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to a computer or to a tablet

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it's a - it's a -it's an experience.

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The whole limit in the system is just that there just aren,t enough people

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Who are trained and have these skills today.

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The programmers of tomorrow are the wizard of the future.

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You know, you're going to look like you have magic powers compared to everybody else.

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Great coder are today's rock star.