Nephrotic Syndrome कारण,लक्षण और सही ईलाज | #nephroticsyndrome Causes and Treatment
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Nephrotic syndrome is not a chronic renal disease; it is a nexus of some fatal symptoms connected with kidney disease. In this syndrome, protein loss, weight loss, high blood pressure, and swelling in the body are common to see. Nephrotic syndrome in children is very prevalent; those who are between the age of 2 to 6. We educate people on #nephroticsyndrome causes, symptoms, and Ayurvedic treatment of the nephrotic syndrome through today's video. Yes, Ayurveda is the option that helps you in getting optimal results, and that too, without a single drop of artificial medicines. Here we have compiled some prevalent symptoms and causes of nephrotic syndrome in children and adults. Symptoms of nephrotic syndrome Protein leakage Stomach ache and swelling Changes in urine output Weight gain or sometimes loss White marks on the skin Breathlessness Changes in urine colors Increased blood pressure Nephrotic syndrome causes - Intake of certain medicines Urinary tract infection A family history of nephrotic syndrome or any kidney disease Diabetes If you face any of these symptoms or causes, get yourself tested and start with Ayurvedic treatment of the nephrotic syndrome. To gain more information, watch the full video without skipping. Your like and share for the video have a value to spread awareness about nephrotic syndrome. If you have nephrotic syndrome or any #chronicrenaldisease, then consult Dr. Puneet Dhawan. You can contact him by sharing your phone number and disease details in the comment section. Our consultant will get back to you soon. Facebook:- Linkedin:- Twitter:- Helpline: 011 4230 6161
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6. 11. 2020 07:22:16