
Professional Me Video - Deen Khan

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Ctrl + 4Unknown word
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My name is Deen Khan and I'm a fourth year accounting student at the Lang School of Business and Economics
Throughout my 4 years at Lang I’ve applied my knowledge of business and accounting at 4 internships in top industry companies
such as Agropur, a leader in the dairy industry, Fastenal a leader in the construction supply industry and SHAD Canada a non-profit that empowers youth to make the world a better place
My academic experience at Lang was enriched through a case competition where I helped my team achieve first place for a recommendation on an ethical issue at the Ford Motor Company.
Also, I am currently working on an applied learning project with an organization in the Guelph community where I provide consulting services to help increase their revenue and market exposure.
Upon graduation in Spring 2020, I am eager to demonstrate my strong work ethic and knowledge acquired at Lang, by adding value and insight in the Public or Private Accounting field while pursuing a CPA designation.
If you would like to know more about me, send an email or connect with me on linkedIn.