सर्दी में मूली खाओ बहुत फायदा करती है किडनी को reddish benefits in hindi | kidney patient diet
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अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी कर्मा आयुर्वेदा का नया पता है : 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Rd, opposite Bhagwan Buddha, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 The Winter season means plenty of vegetables, especially such vegetables from which many other things can be made along with vegetables like bathua and carrots. One such vegetable comes in winter, whose vegetable is also made, parathas are also made, pickles are also made, soup is also made, the juice is also made, and many more things apart from this one vegetable. So I am talking about radish. This is such a vegetable used for food, but if you are suffering from kidney disease, you can also use it as Ayurvedic medicine. Yes, radish is not less than any medicine for our kidneys. I will give you complete information about how radish works as a medicine for our kidneys. So hello, all of you are once again welcome to youtube's best kidney diet channel, "stop kidney dialysis," where you will get all the information related to kidney and kidney diet in just one click. So let's start today's video without any delay and learn about #reddish benefits and reddish for healthy kidneys. So the first benefit of eating radish is that it does not cause cough, cold, cough, and often there is a problem of cough in winter, so if you use radish powder, you will not have a cough problem. By the way, cough is also due to gout. In such a situation, you can also use radish powder. It can also be made by drying in the sun. If there is a cough, you can take one gram of powder with hot water. Another advantage of eating radish in the cold is that you do not have the problem of high blood pressure. In winter we often take less water and take more things. In such a situation there is a problem of high blood pressure. Let's move ahead and now know how eating radish keeps the overall health of our kidneys good. Many people must have already known that eating radish does not cause kidney stone problems because radish removes all the toxins accumulated in the body from the body through urine. No, eating radish also eliminates problems like urine infection and kidney infection. So this was the third benefit of now eating radish in the cold season. Let's talk about the fourth and last benefit of eating radish for a healthy kidney diet, which is diabetes. If you are suffering from diabetes and you also take many medicines for it. But still, you are not getting any benefit; then you must include radish in your diet. Also, the fiber present in it helps absorb blood glucose and increases the insulin level in the body. Sugar is one of the biggest causes of kidney failure. So these are the special benefits of eating radish in winter, which keeps your kidney healthy. So now it comes to whether kidney patients can include it in their diet or not? So let me tell you that kidney patients can also include radish in their diet, but in what quantity can be told only after seeing their reports. So now, if you are suffering from kidney disease and want to include radish in your diet, you can send us your reports through the google form present in the description area below. We will give you complete information about it as soon as possible. Whether you have to take radish or not. So that's all for today. How did you like today's video? Do tell us by commenting. If you like the video, don't forget to like and share it.
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21. 12. 2021 10:47:57