
Hysterical crying for death "great leader" kim jong-il of North Korea

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0:00.00  -  0:05.00Our beloved holy emperor almightly, may his eyes be never looking straight... 0:05.00  -  0:07.00...inform his loyal peasants... 0:07.00  -  0:09.00...of grave injustice to China!!! 0:12.00  - fair! no fair! not honorable! 0:14.00  - pigs! 0:17.00  -  0:19.00China will grow large! 0:19.00  -  0:20.00China will grow large! 0:21.00  -  0:23.00me God, whyyyyyy? 0:24.00  -  0:25.00why why why.... 0:26.00  -  0:27.00ou aaaaarghh aaa 0:39.00  -  0:42.00Two alliance against one!? No fair!! 0:42.00  -  0:45.00why they troll main chat??? 1:21.48  -  1:22.98why no more weekly eveeeent 1:24.17  -  1:25.67why no more sitter? Report this video