YouTube Recordings

  • Maître Yoda - «Fais-le, ou ne le fais pas, mais il n'y a pas d'essai.» 4801

    20. 7. 2016 14:35:21 Maître Yoda - «Fais-le, ou ne le fais pas, mais il n'y a pas d'essai.»

  • [HD] Kylo Ren and Han Solo scene - Star Wars 7 4802

    20. 7. 2016 14:35:37 Kylo Ren and Han Solo. Star Wars VII : The Force Awakens. ALL RIGHTS GO TO LUCASFILM AND DISNEY. I DO NOT OWN THIS.

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 4803

    20. 7. 2016 14:37:57 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan vs. General Grievous 4804

    20. 7. 2016 14:38:04 Had this uploaded awhile back, when Fox still owned it but of course it was blocked worldwide so I had to shorten it slightly.. making it at least where it's available to view.. so enjoy while it's still up c: Copyright goes to Disney Enterprices and Lucasarts.

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 4805

    20. 7. 2016 14:38:30 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Laughing Man, "El Risitas" Interview - No Subtitles 4806

    20. 7. 2016 16:06:55 Make your own "El Risitas" interview parody in 5 minutes online with our easy video editor:

  • ハナミズキ - 一青窈 4807

    20. 7. 2016 16:26:44 シュガーソングとビターステップ - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN あなたの好きなところ - 西野カナ ヒカリヘ - miwa 他にも音楽の動画をアップしていますので、よかったらチャンネル登録をお願いします! 新曲のアップ情報等をtwitterやFacebookでご案内しています。よかったらフォロー&いいね!をお願いします! 夏色 - ゆず 夏祭り - Whiteberry ボーイフレンド - aiko 花束 - back number…

  • Laughing Man, "El Risitas" Interview - No Subtitles 4808

    20. 7. 2016 19:23:00 Make your own "El Risitas" interview parody in 5 minutes online with our easy video editor:

  • Save the Date - AWS re:Invent 2016 4809

    20. 7. 2016 19:52:51 To stay connected and save the date: November 28-December 2, 2016

  • What is Economics? 4810

    20. 7. 2016 20:41:09 The typical first-year student walks into his first economics class with very little idea of what economics is. He might have heard something like, "economics is the study of money", or "economics is another word for accounting", or "economics is hard, don't take that class", but none of those are true. "Economics is the study of the use of scarce resources that have alternative uses." That's the classic definition of economics. Basically, there are people, and people…

  • What is Economics? 4811

    20. 7. 2016 20:54:43 The typical first-year student walks into his first economics class with very little idea of what economics is. He might have heard something like, "economics is the study of money", or "economics is another word for accounting", or "economics is hard, don't take that class", but none of those are true. "Economics is the study of the use of scarce resources that have alternative uses." That's the classic definition of economics. Basically, there are people, and people…

  • Brooke Candy - Paper or Plastic 4812

    20. 7. 2016 21:00:32 "Paper or Plastic" by Brooke Candy available on iTunes: Spotify: Google Play: Amazon Music: Connect With Brooke: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Website:

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 4813

    20. 7. 2016 21:38:33 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • The Last Interview with Max Spiers 4814

    20. 7. 2016 21:42:17 Commenting will be available once the Polish subtitles are made, and the video will be published on Porozmawiajmy.TV. It will probably take a few weeks. Earlier interviews with Max: 1. 2.

  • The Last Interview with Max Spiers 4815

    20. 7. 2016 21:47:04 Commenting will be available once the Polish subtitles are made, and the video will be published on Porozmawiajmy.TV. It will probably take a few weeks. Earlier interviews with Max: 1. 2.

  • That Mitchell and Webb Look - Discoverer 4817

    20. 7. 2016 23:53:04 That Mitchell and Webb Look - Discoverer

  • Homeopathic A&E (with subtitles) 4818

    20. 7. 2016 23:54:16 Homeopathic A&E, from 'That Mitchell and Webb Look.' With English subtitles.

  • ハナミズキ - 一青窈 4819

    21. 7. 2016 06:32:03 シュガーソングとビターステップ - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN あなたの好きなところ - 西野カナ ヒカリヘ - miwa 他にも音楽の動画をアップしていますので、よかったらチャンネル登録をお願いします! 新曲のアップ情報等をtwitterやFacebookでご案内しています。よかったらフォロー&いいね!をお願いします! 夏色 - ゆず 夏祭り - Whiteberry ボーイフレンド - aiko 花束 - back number…

  • 涙そうそう - 夏川りみ 4820

    21. 7. 2016 06:32:16 シュガーソングとビターステップ - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN あなたの好きなところ - 西野カナ ヒカリヘ - miwa 他にも音楽の動画をアップしていますので、よかったらチャンネル登録をお願いします! 新曲のアップ情報等をtwitterやFacebookでご案内しています。よかったらフォロー&いいね!をお願いします! 夏色 - ゆず 夏祭り - Whiteberry ボーイフレンド - aiko 花束 - back number…

  • CHiCO with HoneyWorks 『世界は恋に落ちている』 4821

    21. 7. 2016 07:34:46 11月18日、CHiCO with HoneyHorks、待望のファースト・アルバム発売決定! 今作には、Music Videoの世界観と内容が話題を呼び、YouTubeでの再生回数が1,800万回を超え、スマッシュヒットしたデビューシングル「世界は恋に落ちている」<TVアニメ「アオハライド」OPテーマ>や、TVアニメ「まじっく快斗1412」OPテーマの「アイのシナリオ」、更にTVアニメ「銀魂」OPテーマ「プライド革命」と超人気アニメタイアップ楽曲3曲が収録。さらにHoneyWorks書きおろしの新曲+カバー楽曲と内容ももりだくさんだ。 デビューから1年、『世界は恋に落ちている』『アイのシナリオ』『プライド革命』のMusicVIdeo合計総再生回数3000万回突破!まさに集大成と言えるファースト・アルバム! また、初回限定盤には上記の超人気アニメタイアップ楽曲のシングル3曲+今回のデビュー・アルバムのリードトラックのMVなどが収録されたDVDや、デビュー・シングル「世界は恋に落ちている」のプロローグ編をモチーフにした100P(予定)のライトノベルが同梱されるなど、ファンにはたまらない内容となっている。 …

  • Love On The Line - Hillsong Worship 4822

    21. 7. 2016 08:54:37 "Love On The Line" from our new album 'OPEN HEAVEN / River Wild' available now at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Stream/Share on Spotify: Stay connected: | | |

  • Meet Dimitri [Orginal no Subtitles] 4823

    21. 7. 2016 13:45:16 The famouse Dimitri video ;) enjoy

  • Meet Dimitri [Orginal no Subtitles] 4824

    21. 7. 2016 13:48:57 The famouse Dimitri video ;) enjoy

  • Serve Those Under You | Winner's Minute With Mac Hammond 4825

    21. 7. 2016 15:30:11 For further study, see Galatians 5:13. | | |

  • Прямой рейс из Ростова-на-Дону в Москву — авиабилеты без пересадок по низкой цене. 4826

    21. 7. 2016 20:20:48 Привет всем! Авиабилеты Минеральные — это идеальные предложения для путешествующих по направлению Минеральные воды. На нашем сайте доступны прямые рейсы с выгодными условиями. Мы предлагаем билеты на самолет по доступным ценам. <a href=>калининград авиабилеты прямой</a> Купите авиабилеты Минеральные воды с нами и отправляйтесь в путь! Более подробно по ссылке - авиабилеты москва ереван авиабилеты санкт авиабилеты цена прямые рейсы дешево авиабилеты ямал …

  • Descargar Monsters university Español Latino 4827

    22. 7. 2016 02:13:58 Descargar Monsters Inc Español Mega - Monsters es la mayor empresa de miedo del mundo de los monstruos y James P. Sullivan es uno de sus mejores Asustadores. Sullivan es un imponente personaje recubierto de piel azul con lunares de color violeta que luce dos cuernos, y al que sus amigos llaman Sulley. Mike Wazowski, su Ayudante Asustador, además de su mejor amigo y compañero de habitación, es un monstruo verde, testarudo, tuerto y muy divertido. Asustar a los niños no es un trabajo tan fácil ya que los…

  • Serve Those Under You | Winner's Minute With Mac Hammond 4828

    22. 7. 2016 04:47:36 For further study, see Galatians 5:13. | | |

  • How christian has to be in Church Part 1.MTS 4829

    22. 7. 2016 10:18:22 Telugu Christian Message by Church of Christ Message by Brother G.Devadanam

  • Old spanish man laughing hard (Very funny laugh) 4830

    22. 7. 2016 10:24:07 A pretty old video showing an old spanish man laughing hard - Very funny laugh very funny funny videos laughing

  • Risitas - Las Paelleras (Original video with English Subtitles) 4831

    22. 7. 2016 10:25:20 Like what happened with the famous Hitler scene from "Downfall", people are making videos with subtitles using this "interview" aired on Jesus Quintero's show, "Ratones Coloraos". The interviewee is Juan Joya, commonly known as "Risitas" or "El Risitas", literally meaning "little laughs" or "giggles", due to the way he laughs during his jokes and stories. He became very known in Spain. (The part most people end up using starts at 4:20, inb4 weed jokes) Some non-Spanish speakers wanted to know what…

  • El Risitas Interview No Subtitles 4832

    22. 7. 2016 10:27:55 For projects

  • Dutch TV presenter wont stop laughing 4833

    22. 7. 2016 10:30:57 Dutch TV presenter can't stop laughing. Or could he be Belgian :)

  • Laughing Man, "El Risitas" Interview - No Subtitles 4834

    22. 7. 2016 12:31:15 Make your own "El Risitas" interview parody in 5 minutes online with our easy video editor:

  • Laughing Man, "El Risitas" Interview - No Subtitles 4835

    22. 7. 2016 13:17:25 Make your own "El Risitas" interview parody in 5 minutes online with our easy video editor:

  • Laughing Man, "El Risitas" Interview - No Subtitles 4836

    22. 7. 2016 13:21:45 Make your own "El Risitas" interview parody in 5 minutes online with our easy video editor:

  • Laughing Man, "El Risitas" Interview - No Subtitles 4837

    22. 7. 2016 13:39:30 Make your own "El Risitas" interview parody in 5 minutes online with our easy video editor:

  • Maintain Excellence | Winner's Minute With Mac Hammond 4838

    22. 7. 2016 14:15:47 For further study, see Daniel 6:3. | | |

  • [TheSTAR] 엑소케이(EXO-K) 백현(BaekHyun)이 말하는 '썬건' 4839

    22. 7. 2016 16:07:22 엑소케이(EXO-K)에서 빛을 맡고 있는 백현(BaekHyun)은 이른바 총알부자. 타이틀곡 MAMA무대에서 백현의 안무 중 총알쏘는 부분이 모든 카메라를 자신에게 집중시킨다. 백현이 설명하는 'SUN GUN', 영상에서 만나본다.

  • Editing an Action Scene 4840

    22. 7. 2016 21:09:41 Sponsored by: HP Today we partner with HP to give you a look at Ryan's process in editing an exciting action sequence. ZBook workstations: Follow us on Snapchat - Follow us on Instagram - Subscribe for more Film Riot! FilmRiot Facebook …

  • How to install IOS 9 on iPhone 4 / 4S 4841

    22. 7. 2016 21:39:42 How to install IOS 9 on iPhone 4 / 4S iOS 9 is full of enhancements you’ll appreciate every day. Your apps become more essential. New multitasking features on iPad make you even more productive. Siri can do more than ever, and new proactive suggestions help you get things done before you ask. And improvements at the foundation of the operating system enhance performance, battery life, and security. The more you do with iOS 9, the more you’ll wonder how you ever did without it. ios 9 beta, ios 9 beta 5,…

  • Chest Expander vs Power Hammer Press 4842

    22. 7. 2016 23:52:38 Crushing Chest Expander with Power Hammer Press Subscribe for more videos:

  • The Office- Michael Scott No God No 4843

    23. 7. 2016 04:11:32 Return of Toby..Michael Scott's Hatred

  • Pep opina de los bichis 4845

    23. 7. 2016 06:56:58 Bayern Munich 1-0 Manchester City - Pep Guardiola Post Match Interview Please like the video and share wherever you can (Twitter, Facebook, Google+). I upload in the best possible quality. Thanks Subscribe to this channel : Follow on Twitter : My website : Add me on Facebook : Add me on Google+ : Also to make sure you don't miss…

  • Fun Day with Mommy 4846

    23. 7. 2016 07:00:07 Place: Mall of Asia | 07.17.2016 Music by: Kronicle - Thingking About You

  • Hitler's Rant - Original Video with English Subtitles: Film = Downfall/Der Untergang - HD 4847

    23. 7. 2016 15:08:03 ***CLICK THE CAPTIONS BUTTON ON THE BOTTOM RIGHT FOR SUBTITLES*** The scene in the German film Downfall, where Hitler realises he is defeated in Berlin, and lets of his anger at his Generals. This is the original video, parodied so many times on Youtube, it's those videos that made me watch the film if I'm honest, and the film is excellent English Soft Subs/Closed Captions available, look at the bottom right. Taken from the Blu-Ray of the film in 1080p (yes, the film is that grainy) Also, the BBC did…

  • Risitas-Paelleras 4848

    23. 7. 2016 15:19:08 El Risitas y las paelleras

  • Webisode 29 - Salut Suisse! 4849

    23. 7. 2016 15:46:27 Band roadtrip to Switzerland. Red lights and pitstops. Checking out the venue in Aigle.

  • DOES 『「紅蓮」MV(テレビ東京系アニメ「NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝」OP曲)』 4850

    23. 7. 2016 15:50:48 【テレビ東京系アニメ「NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝」OP「紅蓮」7/2発売】 【着うた(R)】※PC、iPhone、ipadからはご覧頂けません。 テレビ東京系アニメ「NARUTO-ナルト- 疾風伝」新オープニングテーマ DOES「紅蓮」のTVCMを公開。監督は番場秀一氏が担当。シングルのリリースは7月2日に決定。7月よりレコ発ツアー「DOES TOUR2014『紅蓮』」を開催。