क्या होता है जब जुड़ जाती हैं दोनों किडनी | Ayurvedic Treatment for Proteinuria
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Do you know about horseshoe kidney disorder, if not? This video is about what #horseshoekidney is, what are the causes of horseshoe kidney disorder, and how you know that you have horseshoe kidney disorder? On the other side, in this video, you will also know about #Ayurvedickidneytreatment. Yes, kidney treatment in Ayurveda is possible and even without dialysis. Lots of people out there are taking treatment in Ayurveda to get rid of their kidney problem, whether they're genetic or not. A horseshoe kidney disorder is a case of 500 in 1. In the world, mostly, 8% of the people are diagnosed with this kidney disorder. Usually, people are born with two kidneys that are entirely separated from each other. But, in the condition of the horseshoe kidney, the two kidneys fuse at the bottom and form a shape of U like a horseshoe. This condition is also known as renal fusion. Mostly, the horseshoe kidney occurs when an infant is growing in the womb, and its kidneys move into place. However, the condition of Horseshoe kidneys can occur due to any disease or genetic disorder. On the off chance, you or anyone in your family is suffering the following health problems, then do not ignore them because they can be the signs of horseshoe kidney disorder. Restlessness Weakness Sweating Changes in urine frequency Blood in urine Fever Breathlessness Chills Vomiting By the way, it's not mentioned anywhere that the condition of the horseshoe kidney is detrimental. But, precautions are better than cure, so if you have a horseshoe kidney, then take some precautions advised by your healthcare provider. For your kidney-related problems or disease, consult Karma Ayurveda, and do not forget to subscribe to the channel.
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27. 5. 2021 12:56:25