
Over-Enthusiastic North Korea TV Anchor Announces Rocket Launch

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0:01.00 - 0:07.00Welcome and here is today's top story
0:08.00 - 0:13.0024 OFGL Hackers will descend upon the Quail course tomorrow
0:14.00 - 0:18.00Eight of the top 12 will be in attendance
0:18.50 - 0:21.50I hope all of them lose except for my lover Tse
0:24.00 - 0:25.50The forecast is for 27° and sunshine
0:26.00 - 0:30.00Please wear sunscreen if you're not Asian or half Asian
0:31.00 - 0:35.00Pasty white dentists and ex-CFLers use 50 SPF
0:35.50 - 0:38.50The OFGLs lowest capper, T Graham is still looking for his first win
0:39.00 - 0:42.00Perhaps he needs new clubs
0:43.00 - 0:46.00Someone direct him to SportChek for a deal
0:46.50 - 0:49.00Have a great round and hit it straight