Asynchronous JavaScript & EVENT LOOP from scratch 🔥 | Namaste JavaScript Ep.15
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In-depth explanation of Event Loop, Web APIs, MicroTask Callback Queue, and how JavaScript works asynchronously in the web browser. Understand how setTimeout works behind the scenes along with fetch and event listeners. You'll also find a lot of code examples along with a deep-dive explanation of the web APIs and how JavaScript code is executed asynchronously. The only request is to watch this Episode of Namaste JavaScript with full attention. 🙏 It took a lot of effort to create this video, do comment down and let me know if you find it helpful. 00:00 - Introduction 00:40 - How JS Engine Executes the Code using Call Stack 03:25 - Main Job of the Call Stack 03:51 - How does JavaScript perform async tasks 04:36 - Behind the Scenes in Browser 07:35 - Web APIs in JS 12:03 - How setTimeout Works behind the scenes in Browsers 16:09 - Event Loop & CallBack Queue in JS 18:59 - How Event Listeners Work in JS 23:43 - More about Event Loop 25:02 - Why do we need Event Loop 27:29 - How fetch() function works 30:26 - MicroTask Queue in JS 36:01 - What are MicroTasks in JS? 38:35 - Starvation of Functions in Callback Queue 39:48 - Teaser of the Next Video 40:53 - Thank you for watching Namaste JavaScript 🙏 Support this course, NOT BY MONEY, but by spreading these free tutorial videos in your network. 😇 I'll give my best to come up with great content and everything absolutely for free on YouTube. 😊 If you like this course, please give a shoutout with #NamasteJS on social media. 🙏 Cheers, Akshay Saini Would love to Stay Connected with you ❤️ LinkedIn - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - #NamasteJS #AkshaySaini
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5. 3. 2021 05:42:05