Cute Animals You Didn't Know Were Dangerous
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Porcupine vs Bulldog (Cute Animals You Didn't Know Were Dangerous) 100M is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people that will inspire you everyday. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video! #viral #amazing #100M #animals Porcupine vs Bulldog (Cute Animals You Didn't Know Were Dangerous) Most dangerous animals look the part, which is a good thing. That means you wouldn’t want to approach one much less touch one. Others, on the other hand, hide behind adorable packages. Today, we’ll be taking a look at 10 cute animals you didn’t know were dangerous. Let’s begin shall we? Number 10. The Polar Bear Polar bears are one of the largest and most beautiful animals on Earth. In fact, when it comes to who’s bigger, it’s generally a tossup between it and the grizzly. Big but definitely cute, don’t you just think they look so adorable in those Coke commercials? No? Well, whether you think them cute or not, there’s no denying the fact that polar bears are one of, if not the largest terrestrial carnivore on Earth. They have huge bellies to fill and will take advantage of food as it presents itself, and yes, humans can also be part of the menu. It has adapted well to do its job, which is generally eating. They mainly eat seals that poke their heads out of water for air, but they’ll eat anything and everything else they stumble across, like birds, beluga whales, walruses, musk oxen, and humans. They’re dangerous because they’re skilled apex predators: they can easily outrun a person, and knock its head off with a swing of its pawed fist. Which means, cute as it may be, the polar bear is functionally the great white shark of the north. Number 9. The Wolverine If you had no idea what a wolverine was, I bet you would be tempted to pick one up or cuddle with one when you see one. They look more like living, breathing stuffed animals. They are found in large numbers in Northern Canada and Alaska, and although these fuzzy animals look like cute little teddy bears, they aren’t nearly as docile. Extremely strong and equally as aggressive, these carnivores come armed with a vice-like bite and sharp claws. They are capable of bringing down animals larger than themselves, and yes, that includes poor defenseless humans. Their vice-like jaws and razor sharp claws make them more than a match for any creature. They prey varies, ranging from the tiny like squirrels and rabbits to heftier prey items such as moose and even elk. And of course, they won’t hesitate to attack humans if they get provoked. There are cases wherein these animals were foolishly taken in as pets, only to attack their owners later on, that is despite the fact that they were reared by humans since they were cubs. This is the perfect example of the old adage, you can take an animal out of the wild, but you can never truly take the wild out of an animal. Number 8. The Chimpanzee Yep, Mr. Bubbles isn’t as good natured as you previously thought. Chimpanzees are very intelligent, which shouldn’t be surprising since they share about 98% of our own DNA. They are clever enough to use tools and even learn how to communicate with humans using sign language. But, it is precisely this intelligence, coupled with unbridled aggressive tendencies, that makes them extremely dangerous to anyone. They are also very unpredictable. They might be eating out of your hand one minute, biting off your fingers the next. In the wild, they show their aggressiveness to each other when fighting over a mate or for food. Furthermore, they are unbelievably strong, five times stronger than an adult human in fact. They have the means to severely injure humans if they feel threatened or if mistreated. Nonetheless, there are still people who love to take them in as pets. Number 7. The Mute Swan Mute swans are big and beautiful birds, often lulling those who see them to a false sense of security. These birds are one of the largest waterfowl in North America and Europe, weighing up to 28lbs and with a wing span of up to 7.9ft. They are also among the heaviest flying birds in the UK. It’s maybe because they are so darn cute that people have the tendency to get as close to them as possible, often with nightmarish results. That is because, despite their quiet and graceful appearance, they are one of the most aggressive birds in the world. Mute swans are very territorial and will zealously guard their nests and the surrounding area. Should you encroach on their territory—accidentally or otherwise—a mute swan will not hesitate to attack with its wings. They're muscular, too, so don't be surprised if you end up in the hospital after the attack; with bruises if you’re lucky, broken bones if you aren’t. Attacks on humans are thankfully rare, but it’s best not to approach these majestic birds for any reason.
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7. 5. 2021 15:40:17