Proteinuria Treatment in Ayurveda | पेशाब में प्रोटीन की कमी को रोकने के लिए घरेलू उपचार
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Home remedies to prevent protein loss We regularly bring you videos that tell you about the loss kidneys can meet and how you can prevent those losses from happening. Similarly, in this video, you will get to know about the natural measures that can help you to avoid the expelling of protein in the urine. Kidneys are the filtering unit of the body that takes proper care of all the waste and filtered blood. Among the various life-supporting functions of this organ, retention of protein within the body is one significant act. However, when the filters of the kidneys get damaged due to some medical conditions and the organ starts malfunctioning. One of the very important proteins, albumin, starts to leak and come outside the human body via urine. In terms of medical science, we call this situation proteinuria. The presence of albumin protein is said to be in the blood that supports the bone’s health and the health of the muscles. The presence of this abnormal amount of protein in the urine is treated as one of the first signs of a kidney ailment. In this condition, feeling tired, urinating more often, and foamy/bubbly urine is said to be the main symptoms. There can be various reasons that can put you in a condition like this, such as high stress, fever, kidney stones, dehydration, low blood pressure, and excess of medicines. In this video, you will get to know about primary homely measures with which you can easily stop the loss of protein in your urine such as doing daily exercise, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking enough amount of water, avoiding excessive intake of fish, do not put yourself in the situation of unnecessary stress, etc. Now, there are distinctive ways in which these measures can favor you and prevent protein loss. Watch the video to know more. For kidney disease, consult us! Website : Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 Must Watch our Most Popular Videos on Kidney Diet and Treatment किडनी खराब होने के 5 संकेत, अनदेखा किया तो निकलवानी पड़ जाएगी | Symptoms of Kidney Failure Problems कमर में होने वाले दर्द का कारण हो सकता है किडनी में खराबी | Kidney Pain or Back Pain Difference Healthy Drinks intake in Proteinuria | Protein in Urine Treatment | Protein Loss Fruits to Eat and Fruits to Avoid by Kidney Patients | Diet Chart for Kidney Disease 6 सब्जियां जो गिराती है क्रिएटिनिन का स्तर 6 Vegetables for High Creatinine | Kidney Diet Food List किडनी के मरीजों को किस तरह की दाल का सेवन करना चाहिए | Which Pulses are Good for Kidney Patients? यूरिन से प्रोटीन निकलने के क्या कारण होते हैं? | Proteinuria Treatment In Ayurveda #proteinuria #proteinuriea_treatment proteinuria,proteinuria causes,what is proteinuria,proteinuria symptoms,proteinuria test,proteinuria diet,proteinuria levels,types of proteinuria,proteinuria diagnosis,proteinuria treatment,nephrotic range proteinuria,how is proteinuria tested for?,what are the causes of proteinuria,proteinuria treatment in ayurveda,what are the symptoms of proteinuria,protein in urine, remedies, protein loss,protein in urine levels,protein in urine symptoms,protein in urine treatment
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9. 10. 2020 14:46:20