किडनी को स्वस्थ रखता है ये फल | Red Currant for Kidney | Ayurvedic Kidney Disease Treatment
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Are #redcurrant berries edible, what are redcurrants suitable for, and are red currant berries beneficial for kidneys? The fruit diet of a kidney patient is dependent upon his type of disease, and kidney treatment naturally. In this video, you will get to know about patients who are taking Ayurvedic kidney treatment can eat red currant berries that are specially imported from #Europe. Along with that, in the video, you will see the story of a kidney patient who took kidney treatment in Ayurveda. The following are the benefits and side effects of eating European redcurrant berries, especially when you’re suffering from chronic kidney disease. Benefits of eating redcurrant fruit are: 68%,14%,4%, and 1% of red currant berries are full of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, and magnesium, fiber, copper, and minerals, respectively. This European fruit is a good source of calcium and manganese, which is why it is healthy for people with bone and heart-related problems. Side effects of eating red currant berries when you’re taking kidney treatment in Ayurveda and they are: High in potassium High in phosphorus These two substances are counted as the poison for kidney, which is why red currant berries are not healthy for kidney patients. Watch the video to know more about our red currant berries beneficial for kidneys, and the story of the patient Mrs. Ratan Devi from Janakpuri, Nepal. When she visited Karma Ayurveda, she was suffering from kidney disease and its related symptoms like vomiting, weakness, and swelling in the body. At that time, Mrs. Devi’s creatinine level was around 7mg/dl, which, with the help of #Ayurvedickidneytreatment, came down to 1.17mg/dL.
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21. 2. 2020 07:30:16