Foods Not to Eat In High Creatinine Level | Reduce Creatinine Level Naturally
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High level of #creatinine is the major concern for every kidney patient. This measure let a number of kidney patients to approach dialysis. But is dialysis the only solution for high creatinine level? Well, the answer is no. #Ayurveda is the natural science of treatment which provides us natural and effective ways to cure damaged kidneys. At Karma Ayurveda, we make you aware of the effectiveness of ayurvedic medicines and the right #diet_plan which help in natural rejuvenation of damaged kidneys. In the above video we had discussed that which food should a patient avoid which noticing a hike in the level of creatinine. As high creatinine level can be a symptom of kidney disease, hence it turns important for every individual to make necessary changes in his/her diet. Here are the foods which a patient with #high_creatinine level should avoid: • High potassium food: Potassium-rich food such as kiwi, avocados, bananas, mangoes, oranges, papaya, cantaloupe, should be avoided while noticing a hike in the level of creatinine. • Limit the intake of protein-rich food: Patient should also avoid protein-rich food such as dairy products, red meat, etc. • Avoid eating phosphorus-rich food- Phosphorus can get build up in muscles and blood which can affect the overall functioning of kidneys. Hence the patients are advised to avoid phosphorus-rich food. • Reduce your intake of sodium: High intake of sodium can cause high blood pressure and so that kidney damage. To limit the intake of sodium, patients are advised to avoid processed food such as sausage, hot dogs, meat, chicken, and canned foods. Food rich in potassium, phosphorus, and sodium can put pressure on the damaged kidneys and can increase the risk of kidney failure for a person. Patients who are diagnosed with a kidney disorder need to make adequate changes in their daily diet and also need to take adequate advice from their doctor about the same. It is also important for every kidney patient to avoid dialysis like procedures by getting ayurvedic kidney disease treatment, because dialysis can turn into a cause for many dangerous health complications. So, if you want to heal your kidneys in a natural way and is looking for adequate advice about right diet plan, then meet Dr. Puneet Dhawan at #Karma_Ayurveda. Karma Ayurveda Address:- G-20, N.D.M.1, PLot Number B-2,3,4 Oppt NIMS, Netaji Subhash Place, pitampura, Delhi-110034 011-4777-2777 +91-9871712050
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27. 2. 2020 05:40:23