ये 4 सब्जियों का रस मजबूत करता हैं किडनी को इस मौसम में vegetable juice benefits | kidney diet
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अगर आप भी किडनी रोग से पीड़ित हैं तो नीचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक कर के अपनी समस्या लिखें हमारी टीम 24 घंटे के अंदर आपकी समस्या का समाधान करेगी कर्मा आयुर्वेदा का नया पता है : 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Rd, opposite Bhagwan Buddha, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 We all know very well about how beneficial vegetables are for our health. Eat vegetables if there is a lack of iron in the body, then eat green leafy vegetables and if there is a problem related to the stomach, then eat vegetables like ghiya, zucchini. Talking about the benefits of vegetables, our stomach remains healthy, blood pressure remains in control, the deficiency of vitamins in the body is removed and most of all, vegetables are easy to digest. Now we are talking about the benefits of eating vegetables. We will also tell whether drinking #vegetable juice and vegetable juice benefits? So without any delay, first of all, let's know about carrot juice. Let me tell you about the benefits of K juice, which keeps our kidneys healthy. So if you consume carrot juice in winter, then it will keep your blood pressure under control, because carrot improves blood flow in the body and also reduces sodium level, due to which blood pressure starts coming under control. Diabetes is also controlled by taking carrots because it has anti-diabetic properties, which improves insulin level and then diabetes level starts coming under control. Both high blood pressure and diabetes are the biggest causes of kidney failure. And by taking carrot juice, both these problems are removed, due to which the kidney remains healthy. Apart from this, by drinking carrot juice, the level of blood in the body improves, the stomach remains healthy, weight decreases, and the eyes also become sharp. Generally, very few people like to eat Ghiya and if someone asks you to drink its juice in such a situation, then what will you do. High blood pressure remains under control by drinking bottle gourd juice because it contains potassium but in limited quantity. Taking gourd juice does not cause problems related to urine, which also does not cause problems related to kidneys. So let's now know about the third vegetable juice that is zucchini. So the first advantage of taking zucchini juice is that it provides quick relief from the problem of stones in the kidney and urinary bladder and even if it does not cause the problem of stones. Immunity is strong. Not only this, if you are suffering from the problem of frequent urination, then you should start drinking zucchini juice because it gets rid of all the problems related to urination and when you get rid of all these problems then your kidney will be very comfortable. So these were the four vegetables whose juices keep our kidneys healthy. But kidney patients can’t drink juice because it will increase bloating. Yes, but kidney patients' diets can include all these vegetables in their diet. Thank you for staying on youtube's best kidney #diet channel "stop kidney dialysis". If anyone in your family is suffering from kidney disease, contact Karma Ayurveda where we give Ayurvedic kidney treatment and a healthy kidney diet.
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18. 11. 2021 10:40:22