6 Incredible Spices for Kidney Health | किडनी को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए इन 6 मसालों का खास ध्यान रखें
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किडनी को रखें स्वस्थ | kidney kharab hone ke lakshan | स्वस्थ किडनी के लिए आपका आहार Spices for kidney disease In the Indian Culinary World, spices are not only the flavor changers but they also add nutrients to your diet. Being full of ten’s of spices, our kitchen has different varieties of what we call as masalas that can be put to various medicinal uses in Ayurveda. Spices give nutritional value to the food but using them during a renal diet can also help you improve your health. Yes, this is true! There are many spices in our kitchen that help the body in detoxification while promoting our kidney and heart function. Let’s discuss some of such spices you can use in your renal diet without any worry. Ginger: Ginger helps improve the digestion power of an individual. Its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties help lower blood sugar levels and promote heart health. As you know heart health and kidney health are largely linked, consuming ginger during CKD will boost kidney function as well. Besides, ginger naturally poses salt that means you do not need to add salt otherwise in your diet during CKD. Cinnamon: Spices like cinnamon have been long used to improve the taste and appeal of the food. According to recent research, cinnamon may help regulate blood sugar levels and keeps your digestive system healthy. Basil leaves: The leaves of basil look like coriander. It adds a flavor to the food without adding potassium and phosphorus to your diet. It helps minimize the symptoms of depression and induces stress releasing hormones while it also keeps cholesterol level at bay. Oregano: Often available in packets, this spice is one of the tastier spices you can use to garnish your food. Like any other leafy greens, oregano is high in vitamin K which supports bone and heart health. It also prevents the body from damage by free radicals. Garlic: This spice has antibacterial and antioxidant benefits. You can use it crushed, as a powder, or chop to use along with vegetables. Coriander leaves: It is a natural diuretic that helps promote urine production. During CKD, it becomes difficult for a person to pass the urine and so toxins are not removed from the body. Regular intake of “Dhaniya” will also help in urination. For more information on diet during CKD, stay tuned to our YouTube channel. Kindly Check more videos on kidney Health below: Fruits to Eat and Fruits to Avoid by Kidney Patients | Diet Chart for Kidney Disease How Much Creatinine Vs How Much Kidney Damage | Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis? Best vegetables diet plan for kidney patients | Low Potassium Vegetables for Kidney Failure How to Reduce High Creatinine Level Home Remedies | Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally Vegetables in High Creatinine Level | Diet Chart in Creatinine Treatment Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 #kidneydiet #kidneytreatment #spices kidney kharab hone ke lakshan,किडनी को रखें स्वस्थ,kidney patient, spices for kidney,low blood pressure, diabetes patients,masala kidney kidney marij ke liye, kidney marij kya khaye,, kidney rogi ka diet chart, kidney rog ka ayurvedic ilaj, kidney rog ka ilaj,creatinine patients,high creatinine levels,herbs for kidney detox,herbs for ckd patients,kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye, kidney bimari ka upchar, kidney ki bimari me kya khana chahiye,tulsi,cinnamon,garlic,ginger,oregano,
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19. 5. 2020 12:05:41