नींबू के सेवन से किडनी को होते हैं अनेक फायदे | Lemon In Diet | ASMR Lemon
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You may hear their Idiom that when life gives you lemon make lemonade. But, do not offer lemonade to those who have kidney disease. #Lemon for kidney patients is not healthy according to Ayurvedic kidney treatment expert. Yes, you are right. There are various lemon benefits for a kidney. But, lemon in kidney patients’ diet is not acceptable. It is because lemon can augment the number of problems for the patients who are taking kidney treatment in Ayurveda. In this channel, stop kidney dialysis, you can see the trending video on the kidney, #ASMR lemon video, kidney treatment by lemon, and kidney stone Ayurvedic treatment. Today, we came up with a video about can kidney patients consume lemon. And, why lemon is not included in a kidney patient #diet. Lemon is a fruit that provides you with the following health benefits. Control high blood pressure Keep the heart-healthy Reduce fat and bad cholesterol Decreases high-level of diabetes Detox kidneys Help to eliminate kidney stones Reduce the risk of cancer Good for the digestive system Hydrate the body Healthy for the liver Yes, these are a few of the benefits that you get from a lemon. Therefore, all these benefits are not available for a kidney disease survivor. A healthy person and kidney stone patients are allowed to take the pleasure of this juicy fruit (lemon). If you have chronic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, acute kidney failure, proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome, or kidney cancer. Then you are not allowed to include lemon in your diet. It is because lemon is not great for your ill kidney. It can raise the level of problems for you. For more information, watch the video till the end. And, do not forget to subscribe to the channel or press the bell icon to get all the latest updates. On the off chance, you or someone in your family is suffering from kidney disease and facing its uremic symptoms, then consult us. For now, help the Government to stop COVID 19 via staying in your sweet home.
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23. 7. 2020 13:24:21