ये दलिया हैं मस्त रखेगा किडनी स्वस्थ | Daliya Kidney Diet | Kidney Treatment In Ayurveda
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ये दलिया हैं मस्त रखेगा किडनी स्वस्थ | Daliya Kidney Diet | Kidney Treatment In Ayurveda Kidney treatment in Ayurveda imparts information vital to deal with high creatinine, kidney disease, or even kidney failure. We also share diet recommendations for people who are taking creatinine treatment in Ayurveda or allopathy. #creatinine_treatment_in_ayurveda #kidneyfailurepatients #kidney_treatment_by_dr_puneet #kidneydiet In addition, kidney treatment in Ayurveda makes you aware of the benefits of approaching Dr. Puneet, a kidney specialist, for kidney disease. The doctor holds a BAMS degree and runs a creatinine treatment center, Karma Ayurveda, Delhi, India. With his Ayurvedic kidney treatment knowledge and advanced medical methods, the doctor has cured 1,20,000 plus kidney patients. Ensure you consult Dr. Puneet if you have any kidney disease or if your creatinine level is high. Now let's talk about today's video topic. And learn is Dalia salubrious for patients who are taking creatinine treatment in Ayurveda? Dalia is top on the list of foods easy to digest, improve metabolism, and boost immunity. And, when you have kidney disease, Dalia makes your body healthy to win the battle. This video covers the two things linked with Dalia, and they are: Benefits of Dalia 1- Clean your blood 2- Control blood sugar 3- Assists in insulin production 4- Easy to digest 5- Increase immunity 6- Maintain energy 7- Reduce bad cholesterol level On top of this, Dalia is effective in restoring the health of your vulnerable or ravaged kidney. Make sure to add Dalia to a kidney patient's diet plan with his doctor's permission. Let's move on to the second topic of the video. Ingredients for salty Dalia recipe - 1 cup of Dalia - One small onion perfectly chopped and boiled - One green chili perfectly chopped and boiled - One small boiled potato - One chopped and boiled carrot (optional) - One capsicum In addition, a pinch of rock salt, turmeric, coriander powder, and cumin, and one teaspoon of olive oil. Watch this video without skipping to download data related to Dalia and its recipe in your head. Do not forget to help others by liking and sharing this video. We hope for your creatinine treatment in Ayurveda, and you will contact us. ►►Watch More 1- किडनी के मरीजों का डाइट प्लान | Diet For Creatinine Patients | Kidney Treatment In Ayurveda 2- पेट में कीड़े मतलब किडनी पर खतरा | क्यों हो जाते हैं पेट में कीड़े ? | Kidney Treatment In Ayurveda 3- इस डाइट से क्रिएटिनिन लेवल होगा आसानी से कम | Creatinine Kam Karne Ke Upay | Kidney Treatment 4- क्या किडनी रोगी मटर खा सकते है ? Peas For Kidney | Kidney Treatment In Ayurveda | Kidney Diet 5-क्या बादाम खा सकते है किडनी रोगी ? | Almonds for Kidney patients | Kidney Diet | Kidney Treatment कर्मा आयुर्वेदा भारत में सबसे प्रसिद्ध किडनी देखभाल संस्थानों में से एक है। उपचार के हमारे प्राकृतिक तरीके कृत्रिम एलोपैथिक अस्थायी समाधान हैं। हमारे पास अतीत में 100% सफलता का इतिहास रहा है। To know anything about kidney and kidney-related diseases, you can anytime call us on our helpline numbers: 011-4777-2777. किडनी और किडनी से संबंधित बीमारियों के बारे में कुछ भी जानने के लिए, आप कभी भी हमें हमारे हेल्पलाइन नंबरों पर कॉल कर सकते हैं: 011-4777-2777 KIDNEY TREATMENT IN AYURVEDA
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28. 6. 2021 13:20:48