YouTube Recordings

  • Muhteşem Yüzyıl Kösem Senfoni Orkestrası (İstiklal Caddesi - Flashmob) 6101

    5. 10. 2016 18:48:16 "Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem Başlangıç" 2. Bölümü ile 19 Kasım Perşembe 20.00'da Star'da! 1. Bölümü İzlemek için Tıklayın: 2. Bölüm Fragmanı için Tıklayın: Muhteşem Yüzyıl Kösem Resmi YouTube Kanalını takip edin: Sultan Ahmed Han'ın büyük aşkı, üç padişah validesi, İstanbul halkının sevgilisi, gelmiş geçmiş Osmanlı kadınlarının en kudretlisi; muazzam Kösem Sultan… O isim ki; cihan devleti Osmanlı’yı kırk yıl boyunca başarıyla…

  • Dodge City (1939) - Barroom Brawl 6102

    5. 10. 2016 20:04:31 A good time was had by all in one of the liveliest saloon romps ever! Note: Pay attention to the "sing-off" that causes the fight; director Michael Curtiz would reuse the same formula a few years later for his classic among classics, CASABLANCA.

  • Why Your Airbnb May Be ILLEGAL 6103

    5. 10. 2016 20:07:41 If 3 out of 4 craigslist users were using the site to commit murder, we’d be like “somebody stop that murder website!” See more LIKE us on: FOLLOW us on: FOLLOW us on:

  • La Taupe (avec Jérome Niel, Baptiste Lorber, Natoo et Kemar) 6104

    5. 10. 2016 22:41:00 Attention, l'un des comédiens de cette vidéo n'a pas pu être présent sur le lieu du tournage. Avec Jérome Niel, Baptiste Lorber, Natoo et Kemar Les coulisses : Retrouve toutes les vidéos du Studio Bagel en t'abonnant à la chaîne : Suis-nous sur Facebook : Sur Twitter : Instagram : Ou même Vine : https:/…

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6105

    6. 10. 2016 01:59:28 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6106

    6. 10. 2016 02:04:07 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Push People Into Success | Winner's Minute With Mac Hammond 6107

    6. 10. 2016 12:11:52 For further study, see 1 Thessalonians 5:11. | | |

  • You don't mess with the zohan - Salim makes a phonecall 6108

    6. 10. 2016 12:38:59 Salim calls Phantom Muchentuchen.

  • Dougal Wilson – D&AD President's Lecture 6109

    6. 10. 2016 13:57:03 This short extract is taken from Director Dougal Wilson’s President’s Lecture, which took place during D&AD Judging Week on 20 April 2015. You can watch an extended version of this film here: D&AD represents global creative, design and advertising communities and celebrates brilliance in commercial creativity.

  • What Is Lead Generation? 6110

    6. 10. 2016 17:32:24 Question we get ask, what is lead generation? Too many times we hear agents speak about how their website sucks. Well, the question is, why does it suck? It's because their not doing what it is they need to when it comes to being successful not only online, but offline as well.

  • Conservatives in Academia: Is There Bias Against Them? 6111

    6. 10. 2016 18:38:11 The Center for Western Civilization, Thought & Policy and the 2016-7 Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy, Prof. Francis Beckwith, are proud to present "Conservatives in Academia: Is There Bias Against Them?": A discussion of the evidence of whether individuals from certain political and religious groups face academic bias. Dr. George Yancey (University of North Texas) outlines the results of his research and the research of others to show the evidence of this bias. Quantitative research…

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6112

    6. 10. 2016 22:16:18 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Kara Sevda 38. Bölüm 6113

    6. 10. 2016 22:38:42 Kara Sevda'ya Abone Olmak İçin → Kara Sevda 38. Bölüm Özet : Nihan, kızı Deniz’e kavuşur. Emir, Nihan’ın kendine teslim olduğunu ve Nihan’la yeni düzenlerini kurduğunu zannederken, Nihan’ın uzun vadeli intikam planından habersizdir. Nihan, kızını her türlü tehlikeden uzak tutmaya çalışırken, cephelerinin çok net belli olduğu savaşına başlar. Bu savaşta, artık Kemal’in kafasını karıştırmasına izin vermeyeceğini söylese de, Kemal’den uzak kalmayı kalbine anlatabilmesi çok güçtür.…

  • Saints and Soldiers Jeep Escape 6114

    7. 10. 2016 02:37:30

  • RAM WIRE 『僕らの手には何もないけど、』Music Video ・「象の背中」の城井文が描くショートアニメ 6115

    7. 10. 2016 04:47:07 {祝!スペイン カタロニア国際アニメーション映画祭正式出品} [MVから生まれた絵本「くものうえのハリー」も発売後即重版のヒット中] RAM WIRE 5thシングルのミュージックビデオは、『象の背中』の作者・城井文が描くヒツジの親子の絆に胸を打たれるショートアニメ『僕らの手には何もないけど、』。 RAM WIRE 5th single『僕らの手には何もないけど、』  iTunes : DVD 『RAM WIRE MUSIC VIDEO BEST』 (amazon) : 絵本 (Picture Book) 『くものうえのハリー』 (amazon) : We Hold Nothing In Our Hands There’s something I want to show you Countless stars That glow endlessly far away Even on lonely nights A loss Remaining Unconvinced…

  • 総再生800万回突破!中高生中心に話題のロングヒット!切なすぎる感動の泣ける歌!失恋歌! 6117

    7. 10. 2016 05:33:31 【リリース情報】 タイトル:「1/人生」(ジンセイブンノイチ) 配信リリース日:2013年1月23日 レコチョク先行配信スタート! アーティスト:Precious 作詞:作曲 Precious 編曲:原田アツシ PV撮影&編集:BATACORN WORKS 「1/人生」 あなたにとって"かけがえのない人"はいますか? よりをもどしたい。とか、もう1度。とか そんな言葉じゃないんだ。 強がりな弱虫が見つけた人生にたった一人、 かけがえのない人だからこそ 人生かけて伝える真っすぐなメッセージソング! 昨年2度目のメジャーデビュー作にしてスマッシュヒット,そしてyoutubeでは75万回再生突破という脅威の数字をたたき出した 結婚情報誌ゼクシィnet内、銀座ダイヤモンドシライシのCMソング 「幸せにする+愛してる」 から約1年ビクターエンターテイメントより Preciousの第2弾!! 2009年自身の母親に向けた直球 ガチ泣歌「あんたの背中」で徳間ジャパンよりメジャーデビュー後、…

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6118

    7. 10. 2016 07:54:21 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6119

    7. 10. 2016 08:45:55 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6120

    7. 10. 2016 08:50:41 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Hot Sauce Willies - Sam & Oliver - Blackheart Cherry Reaper Hot Sauce Review 6121

    7. 10. 2016 08:53:51 We’re back with another Hot Sauce Willies review! I am the first to get my hand on this sauce and its awesome! Sam & Oliver's Blackheart Cherry Reaper Hot Sauce! Go pick up this stuff here: Follow Hot Sauce Willies on twitter at Like Hot Sauce Willies on Facebook Like and Follow Krazy Kimberlin Opinions! And…

  • Dear Webmaster! 6122

    7. 10. 2016 08:55:35 Hey from Zundee! Happy new year to you! We have made all our databases / client lists available to companies. Companies, People, Job Titles, Phones, Emails, you name it! Visit us:

  • Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit - Monty Python's Flying Circus 6123

    7. 10. 2016 09:04:10 Subscribe to the Official Monty Python Channel here - "Self Defence Against Fresh Fruit" is about an RSM-type instructor (John Cleese) who is teaching a class about self-defence, but all he teaches is how to defend oneself against an assailant "armed" with a piece of fresh fruit. The sketch first appeared in "Monty Python's Flying Circus" Series 1, Episode 4 - "Owl Stretching Time" - which premiered on 26 October 1969. The first part of the sketch was also remade for…

  • Hvmgtv juxfva 6124

    7. 10. 2016 09:07:43 buy lipitor 80mg for sale <a href="">atorvastatin uk</a> lipitor 10mg canada

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6125

    7. 10. 2016 12:46:26 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • dimitri reaction video original 6126

    7. 10. 2016 12:47:22 this is the original dimitri enjoy!! *don't forget to check out and comment my aviation videos!*

  • People Over Process | Winner's Minute With Mac Hammond 6127

    7. 10. 2016 12:54:04 For further study, see Hebrews 10:24. | | |

  • Patient Analytics: A Catalyst to Drive Engagement & Compliance for Risk based Outcomes 6128

    7. 10. 2016 12:57:50 This webinar discussed the use and impact of persona and patient analytics on effectiveness, compliance and ultimately outcomes in a managed care world. Life Sciences Organizations (LSOs) have the unique opportunity of using a broader dataset in combination with a new generation of advanced analytics to group individual patient attributes and behavior patterns into a smaller subset of risk-based personas. These actionable insights allow Life sciences organizations to collaborate with payers to change how…

  • Viktor Drago - Fighting Windmill 6129

    7. 10. 2016 14:20:12 This video is about Viktor Drago - Fighting Windmill

  • Buscando a Nemo - Español Mexicano [Segmento con Dory] 6130

    7. 10. 2016 19:03:16 La película "Buscando a Nemo" tuvo su exhibición en México usando Español Mexicano, eran las mismas voces y el diálogo es igual, solo que le agregan modismos como cuando a Marlin le dicen "Aguamalas" en lugar de "Medusín", cuando Dory dice "Pachanga" en lugar de fiesta, y otras más, también el acento de jarocho de una langosta. 0:06 ¡Aguas! 0:27 Pasó por aquí hace un ratito 1:20 ¿Qué te pasa maestro? 1:23 ¿Te pones al brinco? 2:48 ¿Qué hace un par de botanas tan tarde en esta colonia? 2:59 ¿Cómo una…

  • You Can't Have 'em Both {multfandom} 6131

    7. 10. 2016 21:28:14 aka Agent CPD Ninja lol. basically John, Eliot, and Mouse have a mission based on the conspiracy in this season of Agent X. my own crossovers of Agent X/Chicago Fire, Leverage/Librarians, and Chicago PD/Submerged. confusing? lol it makes sense when you watch. enjoy! :) music by Travis Garland

  • Europas heimliche Jäger - Wildkatze [Doku deutsch] 6132

    8. 10. 2016 03:34:00 Heimliche Jäger, sie leben zurückgezogen und versteckt vor allem in naturnahen Laub- und Mischwäldern.

  • Feel My Love Song - Aarya Movie, Allu Arjun, Anuradha Mehta, Sukumar, Devi Sri Prasad 6133

    8. 10. 2016 04:04:04 Watch Feel My Love HD Video Song - Arya Full Movie, Click Here To Watch More Videos : Singer Kousalya Exclusive Chit Chat : Puri Punch Dialogues - Tollywood Best Monsoon Romantic Songs : Trivikram Comedy Punch Dialogues : Chiru's 150th movie confirmed - Click here for more Latest Movie updates, Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: Like us on…

  • Speech of Pope Francis at the European Parliament Strasbourg, 25 Nov 2014 6134

    8. 10. 2016 05:02:24 Comment on: Google + Facebook Twitter

  • What Trump's Taxes Reveal About His Business Record: A Closer Look 6135

    8. 10. 2016 07:05:57 Seth takes a closer look at a new bombshell report about Donald Trump's taxes. » Subscribe to Late Night: » Get more Late Night with Seth Meyers: » Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c on NBC. LATE NIGHT ON SOCIAL Follow Late Night on Twitter: Like Late Night on Facebook: Find Late Night on Tumblr: Connect…

  • Does God Exist? A Muslim response to the growing trend of Atheism! 6136

    8. 10. 2016 08:10:28 Does God Exist? A Muslim response to the growing trend of Atheism! by: Ustadh Ali Ataie This lecture entitled "Does God Exist?" A Muslim response to the growing trend of Atheism Ustadh Ali Ataie is a teacher and researcher of the Islamic sciences, specializing in theology and biblical interpretation. He is Adjunct Professor of Islamic Studies and World Religions at both Zaytuna College and the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California. At the latter, Ustadh Ali is working towards a PhD in Islamic…

  • Pixar: Short Films #15 "Presto" (2008) 6137

    8. 10. 2016 09:46:35 Pixar: Short Films English is HERE - Pixar: Short Films - The story of Pixar's early short films illuminates not only the evolution of the company but also the early days of computer animation, when a small group of artists and scientists shared a single computer in a hallway, and struggled to create emotionally compelling short films. Episode List: 1) The Adventures of André and Wally B. (1984) - https://www…

  • Over-Enthusiastic North Korea TV Anchor Announces Rocket Launch 6139

    8. 10. 2016 12:25:14 12/12/2012 According to ITV, the anchor says, "The second version of the satellite Kwangmyongsong-3 successfully lifted off from the Sohae Space Center in Cholsan County, by carrier rocket Unha-3 on Wednesday. The satellite successfully entered its preset orbit."

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6140

    8. 10. 2016 14:12:28 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Code Dynamic Websites with PHP [#1] 6141

    8. 10. 2016 20:50:43 Hey everybody, welcome to Code Dynamic Websites with PHP! My name is Brad Hussey and for the next little while, I'm going to be your personal instructor, and I will be teaching you how to hand code PHP! This course is a Total Beginner's Guide to Coding Your Very Own Dynamic Websites with PHP, so you need no prior knowledge or experience — although it's a good idea that you know some HTML (my beginner's guide "Build a Website from Scratch with HTML & CSS" (…

  • The Midnight Con (2013) 6142

    8. 10. 2016 21:00:41 Jess Monroe is being driven crazy by her annoying, Midnight-obsessed little brother Shae. In an effort to enact ultimate revenge on him, she enlists the help of pseudo-boyfriend Kyle and conspiracy nut Needles in order to abandon Shae in the middle of nowhere, under the pretense of taking him to a Midnight convention. However, the plan backfires in her face, leaving the four of them stranded in the middle of nowhere without money, cell phones, or transportation. And as the series of disasters escalate, the…

  • Taboo Tattoo opening Full『May'n - Belief』ENG SUB 6143

    8. 10. 2016 23:53:35 Taboo-Tattoo opening Full OP Song 『May'n - Belief』English, Spanish & Vietnamese Subtitles TV Anime "Taboo Tattoo" Opening Theme Artist: May'n Taboo Tattoo;タブー・タトゥー; Taboo-Tattoo M-01 - TV Anime "Taboo Tattoo" Opening Theme Composer: KENT / TOMOYA (SALTY DOG) Arranger: Kouichiro Takahashi (onetrap) Lyricist: Izumi Soratani [空谷泉身] Wallpaper - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…

  • PPAP Pen Pineapple Apple Pen CRINGE. 6145

    9. 10. 2016 09:00:46 (  ゚,_ゝ゚) PPAP Pen Pineapple Apple Pen [Ad:] Check out my current Giveaway w/ G2A: (⊙ヮ⊙) extra chin squad ((((((((((((((((((((´ー`)

  • PPAP Pen Pineapple Apple Pen CRINGE. 6146

    9. 10. 2016 09:00:47 (  ゚,_ゝ゚) PPAP Pen Pineapple Apple Pen [Ad:] Check out my current Giveaway w/ G2A: (⊙ヮ⊙) extra chin squad ((((((((((((((((((((´ー`)

  • Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012 6147

    9. 10. 2016 13:39:24 Emperor penguin chicks have evolved to withstand the cold, but when a blizzard blows up even they feel the effects. Worse still, they have become separated from the colony in white-out conditions.

  • Bruno Mars - 24K Magic [Official Video] 6148

    9. 10. 2016 22:45:14 Stream the new single '24K Magic' now: 24K Magic Vinyl & Hat Bundles: Bruno Mars - 24K Magic [Official Video] Directed by: Bruno Mars & Cameron Duddy New album available on November 18 Stream Spotify: Apple Music: Download iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: Connect with Bruno: http:…

  • IBIZA deep house mix SUMMER 2017 6149

    9. 10. 2016 23:34:03 Check Also! DEEP HOUSE SET 1 (THE PATTY MIX) 2017 Check - Deep House Mix 2017 HD #3 Check - New Electro & House 2017 Best of Popular Fast & Furious 8 Soundtrack Mix Check - Best Future House Mix 2017 Check - Deep House Mix 2017 HD #2 Check - Best House Music 2017 Check - PLAYLIST - FREE DOWNLOAD - Whether your track in…

  • Kidz Bop Kids: Timber 6150

    10. 10. 2016 03:41:00 Song: Timber Artist: Kidz Bop (Pitbull ft. Ke$ha) CD: Kidz Bop 26, Track 2 I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY OF THESE SONGS BUT I AM A KIDZ BOP FAN Facebook: Twitter: Google+: